[quote=iKatamalicious] "What was that all about? You know those children?" She couldn't help but snicker at the word children--they really didn't look that young, but she also got the feeling that Indy perhaps to lost to one of them, possibly both of them if he were really unlucky. "Say, I asked for a battle first, by the way. Battling me might prepare you for that twerp. I'm just saying~" Her voice picked up into a sing-song tune at her last sentence, stepping into the expansive gym and feeling her heart flutter as she looked around her. [/quote] Indigo glowered. [color=8882be]"You won't give that up, yet?"[/color] He didn't dare mention his loss to Jack. That was too embarrassing to bring up. It wasn't as if he particularly wanted to battle Margo either, but Indy was doing all he could to keep away from the other subject. [quote= iKatamalicious] "What a lovely place to start training, don'tcha think?" Margo purred to Poinsettia, the little buck-tooth bug crawling down her trainer's arm and into her hands, looking around the place expectantly. The Scatterbug had expected something truly magical the way her trainer was ogling the place, but really all she saw was dirt. Sometimes Poinsettia worried her trainer was mad.[/quote] [color=8882be][i]She's weird...[/i][/color] Indigo thought. There was nothing particularly spectacular or captivating about the gym they were in. In fact, it was a little hot with the sun shining through the enormous greenhouse roof. At least Cerulean Gym had been cooler. [quote=iKatamalicious] Margo turned back to Indy, spinning on her heel and stopping with a small cloud of dust behind her and her hands clasped together in front of her chest. "Are you ready to battle or what?" She had a confident smile on her face, but her heart was racing with apprehension. She hadn't really had many battles and she was excited to see what she could truly pull off with Indy as her test subject. [/quote] There was no getting out of this, was there? Sooner or later he was going to have to commit. He looked around-- perhaps there was an instructor or someone to quickly ask tips from, but most of the trainers seemed preoccupied with their own training. Terrible at being stubborn and prone to cracking under pressure, Indigo withdrew a ball from his belt. [color=8882be]"You're on."[/color] In a burst of light, Hawka appeared. Taking note of her surroundings, she let out a fierce shriek and assumed her battling position...