"Art and architecture. You certainly know the quickest way to a girl's heart," Ardasa said. She walked up to the door and felt along the engravings with an outstretched claw. It was as if she could feel the presence of the god shown within, his unbridled power and anger pouring from where the chisel carved into the metal. "Wow . . . it must have taken forever to do all this," she said, her eyes passing from god to god. "There must be thousands of them." She eventually managed to will herself away from the gates and into the domain proper of the temple. On the inside was a beautiful harmony of nature and artifice. Vines grew on metal poles, clinging so tight that they nearly became one. Hedges grew so thick and so tall that they formed mazes of the entire square, with vibrant flowers jutting out at every point. Priests bustled this way and that, some in hushed conversation and others in complete silence. Somehow, she knew it was best not to bother any of them, and instead set her sights on the temple itself.