[center][h2][color=ed1c24][i][b]Drake “D” Edwards[/b][/i][/color][/h2] [img] http://i186.photobucket.com/albums/x105/ShatteredCovenant/drake3post_zpsrxjdemys.jpg [/img][/center] [hr][center][color=ed1c24][b]Location:[/b][/color] Ashford Institute for the Gifted > Courtyard [color=ed1c24][b]Interactions:[/b][/color] [@RumikoOhara][@BoyMom69035][@webboysurf][@Almalthia][@KatKook] [/center][hr][hr] Drake's eyes flicked back and forth from face to face. His eyebrows furrowed as he tried to follow the conversations. He looked to Nik, a source of mild acquaintanceship, as he watched his roommate getting some seemingly welcomed attention from the one introduced as Kloe. She had a sort of glow to her, and definitely seemed like someone who was used to making friends easily. It was then Sally's turn to join the fray, apparently eager to meet everyone with an admirable attention to detail in knowing and remembering everyone's names from days gone by. Drake felt a small tinge of guilt for having not even tried to learn the other students' names prior to today. He was often the lone occupant in his own little world. Expanding that world to this many people this rapidly was a little jarring. Sally's apparel was familiar, but not for this neck of the woods. Drake's multi-colored eyes soon fell on her boots and he couldn't help but raise an interested eyebrow. [color=f7976a][i]A country girl, eh?[/i][/color] After some banter, Uná had given Drake some advice about one of his bad habits. "[color=green]You should think about quitting I hear they can kill ya,[/color]" she had said, referring to the cigarette he had just discarded moments earlier. With an upward nod, and a crooked grin, Drake opted not to argue. Everyone around definitely seemed pleasant and it certainly felt serendipitous that, if he was going to be surrounded by strangers, that they would all be so kind and welcoming thus far. Soon came what Drake knew was bound to come next: the questions. Uná was the first to pose them to the gathered students and, already, Drake's stomach turned a little. Nik was first at bat. Already Drake was learning more about his roommate than he had ever bothered to ask, himself. It wasn't for lack of interest as much as it was that Drake was more focused on his own odd situation. "[color=ed1c24]I guess... I'm really good when things blow up in my face. And they blow up a lot. Let's just say that.[/color]" In a singular huff of a laugh, Drake liked the answer. He could relate. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Api unnaturally leap into a tree off to the side. He became fixated with the feat until his concentration was interrupted by Sally, who was next to answer the line of questions. [color=f7976a][i]Another native Texan[/i][/color] he thought. All of a sudden, the familiarity made sense. He looked on with a cautious sense of astonishment as he watched her demonstrate her power. No matter how many times he saw the impossible prove itself possible, it still consistently amazed him. She looked to Nik once more and asked for clarification. "[color=ec008c]Fire? Explosives? Something along those lines?[/color]" she asked, referring to the abilities that the former had alluded to. All at once, it became very clear why the powers that be paired Nik and Drake together as roommates. Put the man that can't burn into a room with the human explosive. Since everyone was being fairly open and since it was inevitably going to be his turn to answer, whether he liked it or not, Drake inhaled through his nostrils slowly before speaking. [color=f7976a]"Alright,[/color]" He began. "[color=f7976a]From Texas, too,[/color]" he mentioned, giving Sally a friendly wink. "[color=f7976a]Not dating right now. Been legally drinking for a year and a half. Been illegally drinking long before that,[/color]" he said, attempting to give away his age. "[color=f7976a]Not much for Parkour,[/color]" he admitted. "[color=f7976a]If I need to get somewhere fast, I usually hop on the back of Vanessa and take off.[/color]" After a beat, it was obvious that further explanation was needed. "[color=f7976a]Vanessa is my bike,[/color]" he said, pointing toward the parking lot off in the distance. "[color=f7976a]And, I'm sorry, but you've got the wrong guy if you need any help at calculus.[/color]" Critical thinking problems, history, biology... Drake was adept at several subjects, but advanced mathematics was not one of them. Part of him wanted to leave it at that and not even mention his ability, but the rest of him just wanted to get it out of the way. "[color=f7976a]Truth be told, I'm not even sure why I'm here,[/color]" he started. "[color=f7976a]I mean, I get it, but I don't. My power? If you want to call it that, my power is that I don't need a stick to roast marshmallows. 'Stop, drop and roll' is not a required procedure for me in an emergency situation. I don't burn. That's it.[/color]" His tone was that of mild defeat. "[color=f7976a]But, you know,[/color]" he said, with a little more pep, "[color=f7976a]I save a ton on sun screen.[/color]"