[center][b]Jaclyn Kentp[/b][/center] The back-attack caught Jack by surprise, and the branch succeeded in snagging her ankle and dragging her off her feet. Luckily she kept a hold on her axe. As the tentacular limb reeled her in towards the tree itself, she rolled onto her back and fired a shot into the whip-like branch just past where it was grabbing her. The blast was enough to tear through it, and she used the excessive recoil to somersault backwards and onto her feet. Spinning on her heel and transforming Thunderdell with a whirling flourish, Jack fled the tree that had attacked her and launched into a sprint towards the one that was menacing Tarkus. Her charge was interrupted by jagged turns and shoulder rolls as she was forced to dodge the tree's other lashing branches, closing the gap at an alarming rate. As Jack approached, her blade let out a shrill wail that rapidly grew higher in pitch until it became inaudible. Charged with her semblance, she swung her axe in a low horizontal arc at the base of the tree's trunk. An almost vicious smile spread over her face as she spoke in a tone that carried over the din of combat, her axe blade biting into the tree flesh. [b]"Timber."[/b] [center][b]Deathgrip Forest, D-6[/b][/center]