[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/qVsCSwh.png[/img] [sub]Center road, The Golden Quarter, Priestella[/sub][/center] [b]“Huh?” [/b]Yuuki shot Ashton an odd look, confused as to how bravery was related at all to this. He had always thought that being able to run away and barter for freedom with precious memories of their past life was braver, if also more reckless, but apparently the youth before him had other thoughts on the subject matter. [b]“It’s right to think that you’re innocent before being proven guilty though…”[/b] Before he could say more, however, the situation that was simmering to a boil before him suddenly deescalated, the cat-eared boy apparently not so down for starting up a fight after all. It was all very odd for Yuuki, really, but perhaps he simply misunderstood the world, its people, and their intentions. He could accept that. Nodding, the brunette showed a shadow of a smile towards Wisp as acknowledgment of everything that had passed, before turning to Aer. “No, your worries are totally reasonable,” Yuuki said, “Back home, we have an even worse policy towards foreigners. So yeah, not gonna hold a grudge or anything about it.” With that, he turned to follow the red-haired warrioress, quietly mulling over those extra details that Ashton had given him: that the boy was a goddamn weeaboo and that certain things couldn’t be explained after all. [hr] [i]And then, there were more.[/i] As they entered the main road once more, Yuuki hitched up his backpack and dipped his head down, doing his best to seem like an unassuming mule for the two demi-humans that lead the way. One eye flickered off to the horizon, in search of the white steel helms that dictated the presence of those ‘professional guards’, while another eye remained on the bobbing twintails of Aer, so that he didn’t get lost. It didn’t seem like they had all that far to go, however, when Ashton suddenly broke off into a run to embrace another boy in a distance. As if fate itself conspired with, or perhaps against, them, suddenly there were modern folk more or less anywhere, and even Yuuki felt drawn to join them. But he didn’t. He kept his distance, kept his guard up, and kept his eyes flickering around, sensing the danger that such a raucous union created. Already, eyes were on the strange clothes and the stranger gathering, the ordinary folk clearing a wide berth. Hopefully the warrior-looking folk could vouch for the reputation of the new ‘isekai-ers’ as well, but in the worst case scenario… [b]“Yeah,”[/b] Yuuki said, staying by Aer’s side instead of mingling with his fellow Earthlings, [b]“They were kidnapped too. Not sure what they’re doing, but if you could herd them to where they can get registered as well, that’d be greatly appreciated. Not sure they know of the whole state of Priestella yet.”[/b] [@BrokenPromise]