[h2][color=662d91]The Mustaqilun Tribe [Turn 2][/color][/h2] [hider=Summery] Event: Rukdug is attacking the problem in four different but connected ways. 1. Tried to calm his peoples nerves by changing the story from 'Morog was killed by a big scary monster' to 'Morog was a moron who wandered off alone into unknown, hostile territory and he'll be shoveling shit for the rest of his life if he's still alive'. 2. He's declared that all orcs that can wield a weapon should have one on them at all times, if not close at hand if they can't have it on them to help them protect themselves and others. 3. Until further notice, hunting parties going out are to be 5 hunters at the smallest. Larger groups require permission from the Warchief/Regent with a valid reason for the extra hunters. 5 is considered the perfect balance of strength/safety in numbers and being able to move and stealthy to actually catch prey. 4. Rukdug is taking a team of 4 other hunters and trackers, as well as the two orcs from Morog's hunting party, to find where Morog split off from the group and follow his trail to find out what happened to him and if he is actually dead (he is called Rukdug the Hunter for a reason after all). Said two orcs have been promised that if not enough evidence of what happened to Morog can be found, they will be found guilty of his murder and horribly interesting things will happen to them for the rest of their short lives. Action: A) Improve food Captain Nyorgha the Liberator has been left as regent warchief while Rukdug is out hunting and has been left with an important job: Find a food source stable enough to last the orcish tribe until [i]at least[/i] farms can be sown and crops grown. Rukdug made several suggestions but made it clear that as long as she find at least one method of keeping them all fed without resorting to eating each other, he doesn't care what she picks. [/hider] "For farks sake! I didn't think gathering everyone here to have this talk was needed because it was basic common sense, but clearly I was wrong because... what was his name?" Rukdug's angry rant was briefly put on hold as the name of the exact target of his ire had briefly escaped him. Shortly after one of the hunters had gone missing and the two 'survivors' of the group returned, the Warchief had taken the time to gather everyone who was currently in camp in order to have a [i]little chat[/i]... Even as the crowd had been gathered it was clear that there was some degree of concern in the air; Not fear, but between an idiot wandering off on his own and disappearing and the dwindling food stores, the possibility of a bad future was drifting into view like a dark storm cloud. Action had to be taken and taken now, before the situation had the chance to spiral out of control. Shaking his head and making a dismissive gesture big enough to be seen by most of the crowd, Rukdug swung back into irritated leader mode before anyone else in the crowd had a chance to actually call out Morog's stupid name. "Bah! Doesn't matter what his name [i]was[/i], if he's still alive when I find him his name is going to be changed to shithole digger; His punishment for stupidly going into unknown and hostile terrain alone will be to dig and clean out cesspits until the day he farking dies!" Even as the beginnings of a murmur started to raise in the crowd, Rukdug brought his hands together in a thunderous clap to silence his listeners and keep the focus on him and what he was saying. "We're going to be going back to basics here people! The very stuff that was beaten into your skulls since the day you were able to crawl. Until further notice, the following is to be considered law until we are in a position where we can change them." Taking a deep breath, he began. "Rule number one: At all times, all orcs able to wield a weapon is to have one close at hand, if not on their body at all times. Simple enough, most of you do it anyway already. It's just common sense." "Rule number two: Until we have a better lay of the land and knowledge of what lives here, all hunting parties heading out into the wilderness are to be made up of no less then five hunters. Forming a hunting party larger then five requires my personal blessing with a reasonably valid reason for the extra bodies. Now before any of you start whining, I did the math; There is little in this world that could survive five orc hunters working together to bring it down and five hunters is the perfect mix of safety in numbers while still being quick and stealthy enough to actually catch something. You're not coddled humans or prissy elves, you're orcs so act like it!" For the first time since his commanding rant had started, Rukdug actually paused long enough to let the crowd absorb what he was saying. Taking the chance to catch his breath fully, when he started shouting again it lacked the angry bite that it had while he was explaining the rules of common sense. "Now that's out of the way... Luza, Glomp, get your asses out here front and center!" Luza and Glomp, the two orcs from the hunting trip that Morog was lost on, scrambled out of their spots at the front of the crowd and stood ridgy at attention; A hold over from Warchief Pash the Glutten, whom was prone to arbitrarily killing those who didn't show enough respect when he had deemed fit to give them an audience. The two were sweating, nerves eating them from the inside out as Rukdug looked from one to the other. Then he smiled. They started to sweat more. "Luza, Glomp... I'm going to give you something that would [i]never[/i] have happened across the sea. I'm going to give you the chance to prove yourselves innocent." The crowd went deathly quiet, staring at history in the making before them as Luza and Glomp stood there, stunned before Rukdug explained what was going to happen. "The two of you, myself and four hunters and trackers of my choice are going to find the spot were Morog parted ways from your group to go off on his own and then follow his trail to discover his fate. If your story checks out you will be found innocent; If we cannot find Morog or enough evidence to rule out foul play on your parts... well, the rest of your short lives are going to be [i]frightfully interesting[/i]..." Watching as the two 'hunters' gulped in fear, Rukdug turned his attention away from them for one final announcement. "Until my return, Captain Nyorgha is in charge. Nyorgha, I would speak with you before my departure. Everyone else, you're dismissed. We've all got work to do." ....................................................... Once it was just Rukdug and Nyorgha, the Warchief felt himself relax a little. There were few orcs in his life before they crossing that he trusted and Nyorgha the Liberator was one of them. She had just been a grunt when he had first met her and took her on as one of his squad. Through at times she annoyed the hell out of him, she had proven herself time and time again to be competent and loyal; attributes that had helped her rise to be the youngest captain in the known history of Nomar during the removal of of that fat fool Pash. Attributes that would serve him well still. "What do you need me to do Rukdug?" She asked, getting straight to the point for once due to the seriousness of the situation. "I need you to find and secure some kind of stable food source... or at least stable enough that we can get some farms going. Send out hunting parties, gather and pen animals, forage for fruits and roots... hell, if you can somehow manage it make some nets that we can stick in the river to catch fish. I don't care what you get or how you get it, just make it happen." Nyorgha smirked at the request. "That all? Consider it done."