[@Sola] [hider=Northman] [center][color=6ecff6][h3]Eric Northman[/h3][/color] [img]https://www.anime-planet.com/images/characters/van-hohenheim-2024.jpg?t=1476110915[/img] [color=6ecff6]"Friends and enemies have little difference. They both can stab you in the back, but at least the enemy is honest about it."[/color] Nickname Sheriff Age 32 Appearance Eric is an impressive height of 6'10". He is built very well, yet fir some reason weighs less than he should. Biography A soldier with a cold heart, Eric only knows his job and his wants. He was born in the Maria wall, and became a recruit at age 14. He graduated on time and became a member of the garrison regiment. He spent the years before the event increasing in rank and making connections. He enjoyed his time as a member of the garrison regiment. He didn't have to do much but keep an eye out. If only he knew it wouldn't last long. Personality Eric is a cold and calculating soldier. He always knows when the moment to strike is, and knows how to do it. His social skills with people can be limited, but he still has friends in all sorts of places. He loves booze and games, but he never forgets his duty. He is always on guard, no matter the situation. Statistics You have 50 points to distribute as desired. Should reflect your character's appearance. • Physical Strength: 24 • Speed: 11 • Teamwork: 0 • Leadership: 4 • Skill (Gear): 11[/center] [/hider]