Okay, as you need to do relations before you can post again - hit me up when you get your relations done. Remember all Emendators and Paradoxes have to update relations. Training lasted a total of 15 months - that is how long you have been a Paradox now. You need a relation now for the following people if you didn't have it already:[list][*] The Dice[*] The Hate[*] The Cards[*] The Watch[*] Faith[*] Bart[*] Sophia[*] James[*] Andromeda[*] Alexandra[/list] Only the following are cleared to post again - (I will update this as you notify me - again ALL Paradoxes and Emendators have to update. Emendators do NOT have to update each other but you do have to update for all the Paradoxes you trained.) [color=ed1c24]Cleared To Post:[/color] [list][*] Lady A [*] Morose[*] Drago[*] Nallore[*] FantasyChic[*] Natsu[*] Mnkee[*] Sigil[/list]