[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180904/fd70af44326a3ad3a1c587b9319fa851.png[/img] [img]https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WhiteCreepyAmazondolphin-size_restricted.gif[/img] [hr][hr][/center] It was officially time for the party, and, as usual, no one was happier about it than Sunshine. Making her way across the sand as the group walked to the party, she looked out over the ocean. God how she loved the smell and sound of the sea. How the waves crashed against the rocks, and the sea foam looked like lace upon the dark water. Some people identified themselves with an earthly element. Most of those people always told you that they were fire. If you were to ask Sable which element she identified with, it would be water. Calm, steady and beautiful - yet intimidating, cruel and harsh all the same. Not that anyone as tiny as her could really be intimidating, but still. Upon arriving, she mixed in with the rest of the crowd that was already there, not bothering to give anyone from the beach house a second thought. Perhaps that was a tad rude, but Sunshine was ready to have fun. Besides, she'd check in on Finn from time to time, and no doubt that she and Spice were going to cause a dancing scene. Making her way over to the table, she would quickly find a bottle of tequila, open it, and pour herself a small sip before drinking it. Tonight was bound to be fun.