[hr] [center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180923/ff208b6943a9dd6927f943f48d306e1b.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/WfjNadD.png[/img] "[color=#C1E1F7]I'm your girl?[/color]"[/center] [hr] Khloe flinched at the sudden wink, she just laughed it off since she was still a bit embarrassed with the whole freezing-her-hat ordeal. She found Sally to be such a cool roommate, just the fact that it wasn't anyone uptight or an over the top neat freak made it all better for her. Khloe did appreciate the show of powers, and how comfortable people were with each other, except for D, he had no intent of showing, at least for now. She just shrugged it off like it was nothing, she'll find out someday... Maybe. "[color=#C1E1F7]Yeah, I'll never have warm cake again![/color]" Khloe exclaimed excitedly, but then was suddenly sad for moment, "[color=#C1E1F7]I'll never have warm cake again...[/color]" It was one of those jump of emotions that just kind of happens, but she didn't stay sad for more than a few seconds. As Khloe glanced at Sally, she was already mid pout, probably from the whole friend zoning thing Gunnar mentioned. Khloe was already on both ends on that spectrum, being friend zoned and friend zoning someone, it's not a good feeling when receiving really. Khloe didn't mind much when Sally suddenly spoke up once more, "[color=ec008c]well, Gunnar, II'm quite certain you'll be able to find someone here. I mean, look at all these beauties,[/color]" that was all Khloe processed, if Sally said anything else after she didn't really care much about it; But Khloe did have a follow-up statement after the word [i]beauties[/i] was mentioned. "[color=#C1E1F7]I mean, I'm right here.[/color]" Khloe mentioned, in a semi-joking manner, she laughed right after she said it, not even being able to keep a straight face. Khloe already got the feeling that she was going to enjoy her time here, sure it definitely wasn't planned, but it wasn't the worst thing that could have happened. She'd love to still be an idol, that would still be her dream if she can, but there are some thing that just can't happen anymore, at least, in the way a person thinks it should happen. "[color=#C1E1F7]It is lovely meeting you all, here's hoping we have the time to still be silly and some shenanigans yeah?[/color]" Khloe stated, hoping for a positive response.