[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/MqaWpJk.png[/img] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180707/bad3736c731bb5088efa1bed880c88b0.png[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/pO1oNad.png[/img] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iBdl6NxIK8w][color=CF5685]Will you tell yourself, You all must be what you'll be Who's to say who is who and what is what If you simply don't agree Now, time will come to claim you And it will have its way Don't make no mistakes and don't regret Don't waste the time that is left And then do it all with a goddamn smile[/color][/url] [img]https://i.imgur.com/uymrFQI.png[/img] [/center][hr][hr] As the bell rang letting the students out from french class Julie Macmillan sat staring straight ahead yawning. She had spent the entire class not paying much attention to what monsieur Boussard was saying. As the last one of her peers left the room he teacher looked down at her. [i][b]“Avez-vous une question mademoiselle Macmillan?”[/b][/i] he asked. Julie snapped back in to reality, she smiled and shook her head with a small laugh [color=CF5685]“Oh non, je ne faisais que rêver.”[/color] She stood up and gathered her things [color=CF5685]“Au revoir professeur!”[/color] the redhead said cheerily as she too left the classroom. As she drifted through the hallways of kings Julie realized how tired she was, she had spent this partying more than she usually did. Not counting the one at the devil’s den she had gone to one with her sister who had finally come home from Shanghai. It had been a wrap party with some of Iris’s model friends, and Julie had ended up going home with one of the [url=https://i2.wp.com/www.escxtra.com/wp-content/uploads/Benjamin-Ingrosso-1.png?resize=703%2C405&ssl=1]male ones[/url] which of course had ended up being a big mistake. He had been like the rest of the models she had been with: utterly boring. He had spent most of sunday bombarding her with texts and snapchats, none of which was spelt correctly. The reason Julie was so tired now is that she and her sister had spent the evening making fun of the poor boy blowing up her phone. She couldn’t help but feeling a bit uneasy roaming the hallway by herself usually she would have Chanel by her side, but she hadn’t seen her all morning. Julie looked around to try to spot someone, anyone she knew. Then that feeling hit her again, that feeling she has had ever since Archer Diedrikson had yelled at her friday night. Was she really seen as the Ice Queen of King’s? When she thought about it, who was her friends at school? Obviously Chanel was the light in her world but they had known each other for so long that she was almost family. The more Julie obsessed about it she realized she had a lot of people who disliked her. There was Santiago who hated her but the feelings were mutual, there was April who didn’t hate her but certainly they weren’t friends anymore. And it was obvious that Archer felt disdain for her, and Jason didn’t seem to think that highly of her either. It hadn’t really bothered her before because she hadn’t really cared. But now that someone had come right out and told her that they didn’t like her… it really bothered her. When she finally arrived at the courtyard she plopped down at her favorite table with a groan. Eating lunch alone was not something she had done in a very long time. The girl made one more futile attempt to spot Chanel smiling at her but alas, she was alone. She started to unpack her meticulously packed lunch. Julie looked up just as someone else sat down at the other end of the table. At first she wrinkled her nose, but then she reminded herself of the deep thoughts she had just came out of. [color=CF5685]“So. You stuck eating lunch all alone too?”[/color] She called with her chin resting in her hand.