Tobias had just sent for breakfast, to be served in the crown prince's quarters, when he heard the soft pinging noise of a received message. He glanced down at the scrolling text and stared at it for several long seconds. Any woman who had won a contest such as the princess elect must be strong of will yet he somehow doubted she was quite as taxing as his cousin insinuated; Luke was infamously obstinate himself and he wagered that any failed meeting of the minds was blamed on the former peasant instead of the royal heir. The missive was encouraging. Although the engaged pair played a perfect couple on broadcast he was now even more certain they were not nearly as intimate in practice. Rhiane would be frustrated, isolated, and without the support system she had back home. So long as his proud relatives remained as condescending and dismissive as he knew them to be it would be all too easy to be the hero his ward so desperately needed. "Your meal is on its way," he announced only to discover that Rhiane had departed the kitchen for an adjoining room. The bodyguard followed after and discovered her lounging on a lavish couch that dominated the seating area of the room. Though she had not complained of any pain she had propped up her braced ankle on a small plush cushion for comfort. Despite himself Tobias frowned. He had been present at the engagement ball and knew the injury was purposefully caused by a visiting diplomat. Mere hours after the betrothal was announced and the kingdom had already failed to protect their newest pawn. "Excellent," she said with a gracious smile. "Do you know how to operate this thing?" she said with a gesture to quite literally the largest screen she had seen outside of a theatre. Her own home system was mass-produced, inexpensive, small, and with such limited options she knew at a glance that trying to navigate Luke's controls for his beast would be quite the undertaking. "Yes," Tobias answered succinctly. "The palace has its own showing room," he informed her, "if you would like for me to escort you. It was specially designed for the viewing of films by the royal family and their guests." "I'm sure it does, but I'd rather stay here," Rhiane stated with a charismatic grin as she tossed her companion the slender high-tech remote that allegedly would power on the sophisticated machine. Luke probably had voice activation on nearly everything he owned but it was exceedingly unlikely he had made any changes to add recognition for hers. At least for the time being she'd rely on more manual controls for the electronics in his suite. "What would you like to watch?" Tobias asked as he turned on the large flat screen and glanced down to the smaller female. He was 'excessively' tall and towered over most but the princess elect was not as short as many of her gender. Undoubtedly this had played a part in the acceptance as a candidate for her position. Dainty, delicate, and petite flowers might produce male heirs to the throne that were more effeminate aesthetically and the throne wanted to project an image of their lineage being strong both in body and mind. There was a balance to be struck between adhering to standards of beauty and having a unhealthy waif that would weaken the gene pool. By most accounts Rhiane was an excellent fit and he was not immune from admiring her discreetly. "Why don't you pick something that interests you too? But with a happy ending," she shrugged non-noncommittally before patting the empty spot next to her on the expansive sofa. "Sit with me at least until the food arrives." Tobias, like all the other members of the palace's staff, had learned how to be nonreactive. If Queen Camilla waltzed through the door and began screeching, if the crown prince engaged in an extra-martial affair before his eyes, or if Princess Callista (bless her kind soul) lost control of herself and became a hysterical mess he was to remain a statue. There were tests administered before security clearance was given to assure that the monarchy was not inconvenienced by an 'emotional' servant. Internally, however, he could not help but be surprised not only by the happy ending request but her consideration of his viewing preferences as well as the invitation to sit beside her. No one knew quite what to expect of the princess elect and yet she defied any preconceptions they might have. "You have been cleared to travel, although in a limited radius, if you choose to leave the palace," he said he as he scrolled through the digital library for a selection that would be proper and entertaining for someone of her background and status. "And do what, exactly?" Rhiane said with a raised brow as she watched the rigid bodyguard circle the large furniture before gingerly sitting down on the edge of the cushion immediately next to where she was sprawled. His body language was still so excessively formal he looked as if he was about to take a test on posture rather than enjoy the fruits of the cinema. "I do not know," Tobias admitted with reluctance. "Shopping?" At this the former farmer let out a guffaw, then a laugh, and pulled a decorative pillow into her lap as she shook her head in gentle rejection of his proposal. He had not meant to be humorous and she could see in the creases of his brow that he was either perplexed, insulted, or both. "I have all the clothes and shoes I could ever want or need- and then some- and if I was to send any to the people of my town they would take offense. Couture fashion is not practical from their professions and if they sold my gifts they would be disparaged by the rest of the kingdom. No, I think it's best for me to remain here. I've been instructed to rest and I want the citizens to know I take the royal doctor's advice seriously." What she failed to divulge was that she had the suspicion that Luke might be creating yet another scandal. Her absence would paint her as a dutiful, obedient, and thoughtful addition to the crown; people might speculate exactly how she was spending her time certainly, but if her movie-binging was discovered it would be an innocent enough (if not endearing) explanation. Parading around the capitol would make her look defiant, smug about her newfound wealth, and the media would question if she was ever hurt by Lord Jin in the first place or if it was an act. With her out of the picture the paparazzi would have only Luke to hound and praise or abuse. The crown prince was so elated at Dr. Gulsvig's recommendation the implants be shut off for a day that Rhiane was certain he had something in mind more than just working- he had a reputation as a womanizer in the tabloids for good reason and he was not capable of changing his personality in thirty-six hours so completely. Luke was still the man who bedded someone while his fiancee was entertaining their mutual guests at a celebration in their honor. It was almost guaranteed he'd seize his freedom to explore other ladies besides the low-born creature to whom which he was to be wed. "I'm not like the other women in the castle, am I?" she asked Tobias. "No, you are not," Tobias said a bit too quickly. "Do you find this drama acceptable?" he said as he hovered over a historical fictional title that had, presumably, a happy ending as required. "Yes, please," she said as she sank down. The screen flashed black and, with all the pomp and circumstance of a major blockbuster, a orchestral song resounded through the sudden silence that had fallen over the two.