(Bit of ambiance to immerse you as you read. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3p8jLMz0lu8 ) Hey you! Yeah you, take a seat there. So are ya new 'round here? I ask 'cause, you look a bit lost. Out of the void is where you came from! Well shit mate, you know almost nothing then, do you? Well, I suppose I should start from the beginning then. *Sets two pints of ale upon the counter* Drink up. *Comes around taking his apron off perching himself on a barstool.* Thousands of years ago, the ancients roamed the lands we know today as Stratholm. The ancients were massive creatures that towered higher than any of our cities. The first denizens lived in small villages, mostly underground living off of what little could grow, plus whatever tried to scurry down away from the massive ancients. Then it was told that there was a war in the heavens, a great schism that eventually led to the bombardment of the land. The stories that survived, tell of a hundred years of bombardment as greatstone fell from the sky and the frequent sound of horns being blown in the heavens. *Gulps down a portion of ale.* Anyway, they say this is what really sparked the influence of religion in the beginning. The gods that won the war of the heavens are said to be the same that killed off the giants on the surface world, making way for us to arise a couple centuries later. Soon enough the elders set out to discover new lands and then you probably can figure out how the rest of the story goes. There are Ten countries on these two continents that you'll come to as you explore. Cahal Midiial, Aldomir, Myranth, Grimdal, Verstrid, Fismdor, Denrath, Kefelheim, Deccamva, and Xarmaz. The lands use different mixtures of technology, magic and alchemy, Some relying on one of them or all three. Throughout the lands you'll find different kinds of people. You'll most certainly find, Humans, Dwarves, Elves, Gnomes, Maybe a few Halflings that are adventurous and wander away from their villages. You may also find Beastmen, Half-Demons, Orcs, and many other different races out there. I'll also warn ya of something. Wars are frequent. Sometimes lasting a few days to a couple years, and causes are ranging from petty squabbles or grave circumstances. Pay attention to the political climate of the city that you're in, and make sure you're not caught in the middle of everything. Things tend to get hairy fast. Not to mention *Leans in close* there have been a few venturin parties that traveled north to Grimdal and never returned. They say that there's something strange brewing up there. Unless you're feeling like a hero, I'd avoid the frigid north. Now, If you’re ever in need of guidance anywhere, just ask around and perhaps you'll find your way. Or you could always come back to my tavern. Good luck out there stranger. Map--> https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/407396689800855563/494252033533149185/fantasy_map_1537909071727.png Hello and welcome to the lands of Stratholm RP interest check! This is a large scale RP that can have a large player base and is of limitless potential! In this world it is a Steampunk aesthetic, airships fly by occasionally, walking tanks going into battle, massive boilers and cogs running factories, lotsa steampunk is encouraged. Technology can go up to the mid 1980's but put a steampunk twist on it! If you're interested even slightly Shoot me a PM! -Quindaro