Humanity found a portal to another dimension called Karthamel and well after many annoyingly violent skirmishes in first contact and several treaties, the natives of Karthamel allowed Humanity to set up shop. Over 2 generations or so, the families in Karthamel having kids in Karthamel realized their children developed powers by tapping into their true names and getting powers that are relevant to their true name. These are called Titleds. These can be from 2 humans or a human and a Karthamelian native. You will be playing these Titleds, your true names are not actually names per say more like titles such as: Blue-Faced Beast or Sick Panther Head. Reeflower is the colonial base that humanity built to act as a hub city between Karthamelian species and humanity. It is also the sole human owned city in all of Karthamel. It serves as humanity's city state in Karthamel and has its own autonomy and set of laws (though all countries are more or less allied with Reeflower just to assure its protection). The city was forced to conform to a specific size so as to not demand more land in the future. After plenty of hostile contacts with Karthamelian species, the colonists to make the future Reeflower were encouraged to recruit older women or families with less families. This was to make sure it wouldn't outgrow the settlement too fast. The current population is around 2 million. More to come but this the pitch.