here is my character for the are pee [hider=NANO][color=d9d9d9][center][IMG][/IMG][/center] [center][img][/img][/center] [center]"You´re on fire. That´s not good. You should stop."[/center] [u][b]Name - [/b][/u] Prototype N3984 [u][b]Alias -[/b][/u] Nano [u][b]Approximate mental age -[/b] [/u] Nine years old [u][b]True age -[/b][/u] Five years old [u][b]Race - [/b][/u] Android [u][b]Homeplanet -[/b][/u] Earth [u][b]Skills/Powers -[/b][/u] Nano´s main power is her ability to store electrical energy inside of her body´s internal batteries for several uses. While this technically requires a fancy charge pad with a scary price tag, Nano has discovered that shoving a wet key into a power socket more or less achieves the same effect. The energy stored inside of her body can be expended into either propelling around the sky or willing a blade to form out of energy. Its strength varies on how much effort she puts into manifesting it, and it can also be shot out as a last resort. With enough practice, she may one day be able to summon multiple blades at once. Her propulsion abilities are less like actual flight, and more like bursts of energy that fling her all over the place. Despite her frail appearance both these and other physical dangers are well resisted by whatever the hell was put into her skin and chassis. She's the type of fighter to engage in close quarters brawls with no regard for the environment around her, aware that she can take quite a beating. It's the more magical pathogens that she struggles going up against, usually. [u][b]Equipment -[/b][/u] Out of battle she uses a one of a kind charge pad to replenish her energy reserves. In battle, the only piece of equipment that she actually brings is a single dirty fork. She will occasionally ignore the many warnings from bystanders and stab it into power lines, sockets and the like for a quick kick of energy during a pinch. She also really likes pudding, so she sees it as a tactical thing to have around. [u][b]Affiliation -[/b][/u] Former member of the Kiseki Foundation, now on the loose. [u][b]Alignment -[/b] [/u] Chaotic good [u][b]Bio -[/b][/u] Nano's existence is what many would call a miracle. Born from the blood, sweat and tears of renown billionaire Satoshi Sakuraba she has been engineered to be one of the world's first artificially made superhumans. The purpose behind her creation was to fight fire with fire in conflicts against supers, and have a weapon that could engage in even-sided fights and eliminate them. This multi-million dollar project by the Kiseki Foundation was going along well until another prototype managed to successfully destroy their containment facility out of revenge against their creators. In the past, artificial intelligence has been developed to act and appear human through loading nonstop barrages of raw information onto their database. Nano was created with alternative methods in order to achieve a greater proximity to human behavior and thus develop empathy and morals at a better rate than her predecessors. Because of this her education has taken years and strongly resembles the kind given to ordinary children, with less of a focus on things like math and history and more on learning that impaling people is bad. This has worked to an extent. Nano has definitely memorized the basics of human morality down, but she's also completely at a loss as to how to interpret both it and the world around her. She's a curious girl with no common sense, critical thinking and social skills who has now been thrust into the real world with no warning. She marches to the beat of her own drum and often gets herself into ridiculously dangerous and deadly situations without even realizing it. The two people closest to Nano are one of her former private tutors, Daisy Brooks, and a murderous narcissistic AI hellbent on purging humanity and destroying Nano for revenge. The AI has named herself MACRO to one-up her sister, but Nano usually just calls her Marco, pissing her off and further solidifying their one-sided rivalry. Daisy, on the other hand, looks out for Nano and has unofficially adopted her. [u][b]NOTE -[/b][/u] Her super rich creator is going straight up die within the first few sentences of the first post and she won't have access to unlimited money or anything extravagant like that, especially considering that they´re after her. [/color] [/hider]