[center][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/logopedia/images/9/93/Dragon-ball-z-logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20150713121910[/img][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GHnfX1RmZX8[/youtube][/center] [hr] Have you ever wondered what it would be like to have a character you created go through the entire Dragon Ball Z saga? Well then this rp is for you. The story will begin with the Saiyan saga and as the GM I will try to keep the story moving along. [b]Power Levels[/b] All characters may start with a maximum power level of 800. As the RP goes along our characters will be gaining more power and we will be using the official transformation multipliers that the series uses. Saiyans still get their zenkai boosts, but other races have their own unique abilities that play into their power level scaling. For example humans and Beast-men don't have zenkai boosts, but they have special techniques or abilities that give them advantages that saiyans don't whether it's magic or some innate ability that is unknown to saiyans. [b]transformations[/b] All of the transformations in the show are available to achieve depending on where the story has gotten to, with the exceptions of forms found only in GT or DB Super. Original transformations are allowed, but I mainly prefer them to be made for humans, beast men and other races not known for having powerful transformations to balance the scale of power between each race. My intentions are to fix one of the problems I had with DBZ, which was how useless in combat the human characters were. [b]Techniques[/b] Both canon and original techniques are allowed, but I ask that your characters do not start off with OP abilities and wait until later in the rp to develop more powerful techniques, so no Final Flashes or Super Kamehameha Waves. [b]Abilities[/b] Abilities are unique powers that are tied with the race of the character. For example Saiyans have zenkai boosts and Majin characters have their regeneration and magical abilities. Humans, beast-men, demons and original alien races can have original abilities. Humans, demons and Beast-Men can have magical abilities. Magic is different from Ki based techniques, but if used to much can be taxing on the body and isn't infinite in power. [b]Races[/b] For races I made a list of the ones available to make a character for. Beast Men are the anthropomorphic characters native to earth. Aliens are any race that aren't Saiyans or Namekiens, for the CS you can put the name of your character's race in the sheet. If you select an android, demon or Majin then it is a rule that you don't spoil or have knowledge of the future arcs that involve those races in the story line. Humans Saiyans Beast men Aliens Demons Androids Namekiens Majin [b]Character Sheet[/b] Name: Age: Sex: Race: Appearance: [Pics or descriptions are fine] Personality: Power Level: [800 max] Abilities: [this section is for abilities tied to the race of the character.] Transformations: [none allowed at the moment] Techniques: [4 is the max at the moment] History: Other: [this section is for any other piece of information that you feel is relevant to the character] [b]Rules[/b] #1 No God-modding #2 Be respectful #3 No highly sexual content, keep it PG-13 #4 Take arguments to the DMs or ask the GM to help resolve the matter #5 Try to not speed post #6 Auto-hitting is okay with non-technique attacks such as basic punches, kicks and energy attacks, but crippling hits are not allowed. Techniques cannot auto-hit. #7 have fun