Outside the window was some chick in some red bikini, bending over and being a weirdo. Yin felt her face grow red with embarrassment having caught her gaze for a second. [i]Holy shit, pretend you didn't see that.[/i] “Um excuse me? Is there anyone sitting there?” A cheery light hearted voice was heard in front of her. It was that purple haired girl from the exams...Alexa. [color=630460]"Hey, sure."[/color] Excessively she clicked her pen. She was trying to look for the words to say to Alexa. How was she feeling since those traumatic events yesterday unfolded? Did she think this test was going to be hard? Is the hero life really worth all that kind of turmoil? Was life as they knew it changed forever because of those events? All she could bring to her lips was, [color=630460]"...Good luck."[/color] ~ As she flipped over her test, she quickly filled out her name and the date. It happened to be a mix of true or false/multiple choice/ and short response questions. History questions over all mights conquests, true or false questions on the narrative of the top heroes and nastiest villains were all on there too. Besides watching Americas Most Wanted, Yin had no idea about a good chunk of it, but she was definitely going to bullshit it. When she finally got to the ending short response questions, our girl was burnt out but at least there were only 3 questions left. [i]Given a scenario where you can only save one, a child or the elderly, who do you save?[/i] Umm... I would save the child because they're younger. --- no wait. (she placed down her pencil and erased the sentence.) I would save them both. No matter what. That's what heroes do right? ("answering a question with a question? Good going, Yin" she thought, as she sighed out loud.) [i]Do the ends justify the means?[/i] I will make mistakes, but through this school, i will learn to make the best possible mistakes...thus the means of my journey will justify the ends. [i]What does it mean to be a hero?[/i] You are...the lifeline for a good chunk of the population. Using our abilities to do something meaningful is probably all most people could ever want. I want to be someone that others can depend on. ~ Yin noticed how short and curt her short response questions were. They had plenty of room to write answers, and give explanations yet she couldn't find it in herself to write anymore. She knew most of the people taking the exam with her had dreams of becoming a hero since they were a child. Yin couldn't even name the number 3 hero, yet... her experience yesterday fueled more of a drive in her to become something. Either they were going to accept her on the merits she had shown in the field yesterday or they weren't going to accept her at all... She realized she'd just attend school somewhere else and become a hero that way. She stood up and turned her paper in. She was probably the first one to finish the exam, as she didn't even bother to go over her answers. Turning in her exam, she ventured a look outside the window to see red bikini lady again waving at her, Yin tensed up and slinked out of the room. Breathing a huge sigh of relief since her written exam was done, she waited outside, leaning against the wall to see what Alexa thought of the exam, and maybe see if she could pick the other students brain...