Liam had Hydro healed up and then called Prof Oak and reorganized his team, taking great care to ensure any ease-droppers there may have been were unable to hear who Liam would have on him. *** Meanwhile Billie and Kidd were spying on the Aether Foundation from a Feebas submarine. “So, this is the Aether Foundation,” Kidd said thinking aloud. “That’s right partner. Rumor has it that it is filled with rare Pokémon, and if we can secure this place for Team Rocket, the boss will surely make us Executives.” Billie replied. “Maybe even let us lead an entire branch right here in Alola!” Both Rockets quietly cheered to themselves about the prospect. The parascope to the sub sunk back into the water just on time to miss an Aether Foundation marked chopper landing on the man made island. ***