After the whole crisis was resolved the exam moved on to the written test part of the exam. Jyn was fairly well read and he was confident in his ability to take tests. He sat down in his chair and took out his pen and papers for the exam. He looked over the papers to get some idea of what he would be dealing with. A lot of it seemed to be questions relating to hero work and the files on villains. This would be a good learning opportunity to find out more about some of the more dangerous villains. "This doesn't look too bad" he said to himself as he began to work on the test. There were questions about scenarios such as hostage situations and whether it was better to save the lives of hostages or capture the villain. For Jyn it seemed obvious that saving the hostages were the most important action to take in such a situation. Another question was asking how he felt about the idea of killing a villain in a life or death situation. Jyn thought about the question for a bit before he gave his answer. He would deem in it necessary to kill in such a situation. His reasoning was that if police officers are allowed to kill in such situations then superheroes should be held to the same standard and be excused for using lethal force. "That answers seems rational" Jyn muttered. There was a question about using powers smartly to prevent collateral damage. Jyn was glad that his power was more control and would cause less damage compared to some other quirks. The rest of the questions seemed a little more basic, such as the history superheroes and an overview of the many different quirks. Jyn wondered if his quirk was unique compared to other ones and if it was then that would make it easier to use it to his advantage in battle. One particular overview of a hero was for a hero named The Wraith. It said that the Wraith a vigilante dressed in black and wore a dark cape with a red mask covering his mouth like a bandit. It was unknown what kind of quirk he had, but he used guns as weapons and he would say poetic lines as he fought criminals. One of his iconic lines was 'Hell dark depths have opened up and the devil calls for your wicked soul. I am the angel of death and your lives shall end at the hands of The Wraith.' Jyn loved that line, The Wraith sounded like a crime fighter he put sheer terror into the hearts of criminals. Jyn wondered what type of hero he would be after his was done with school. Maybe he would be a dark vigilante as well, preferably Jyn would want to be a more heroic type of hero instead of an anti hero, but who knows, maybe things may change in the future. He went back to focusing on the test and was confident that he would pass the test.