"Whew!", Maggie sighed, just as the wind was knocked out of her, shortly after landing on the ground. "That was weird", the male Rogers commented from next to her, while looking at her. Hearing Calla announce that now was a good time to depart the premises, the woman didn't hesitate to respond. "Agreed", she said in response to both Shaggy and Calla's declarations, while keeping her gaze upon the ceiling above her, and getting her breath back. Taking a grip of the young Blake's hand, Maggie sat herself up, having to tower over the younger woman by a few inches. She looked upon the other for just a moment, having to slightly giggle as she did so, really having to find their previous situation a lot more unexpected than she first thought. "Hey, it's always been my greatest pleasure", Maggie answered her with a soft smile, one that showed her natural traits of friendliness and patience. During their short look-over of each other, Shaggy and Scooby were already on their feet. At the same time, Calla had broke eye contact with Maggie, and proceeded to walk ahead the three of them. The female Rogers wasn't too far behind her, having to see a kitchen-modeled set. Why would something like this be right next to a ride? In the same building? "Now, this is [i]very[/i] weird", she commented aloud, having to look around with her best friends, and starting to run her hand on the kitchen-cabinet's surface. So many questions were currently going through her mind. Hearing Scooby belch, made Maggie momentarily turn her attention to him for a second, with a smile and a chuckle, before going back into looking through the set. However, to hear a second belch, only louder, she had her full-undivided attention towards the two males. To counter, Shaggy belched back, before Scooby threw back a fart until..."You're in trouble", a huge flatulence repetitively came back full-force. She made a little face, but eventually let out a smile, and a giggle. The appearance of Daphne didn't make the scenario any better, and Scooby was trying to signal his best friend to quickly stop the shenanigan. Meanwhile, Maggie could not contain her laughter, so she tried to stop herself by covering her mouth with a hand. By the time Shaggy had taken notice of her presence, he quickly gathered his bearings. "We're here to solve a mystery", she told them sternly. "Yeah, Scoob!", Shaggy quickly deflected to his dog, who made a face.