[center][img]https://media1.tenor.com/images/0c248d366e276c329a0c0ac02f07cad8/tenor.gif?itemid=4756227[/img] Okay, time to gush about the cast of Darke Magyk! [@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi] I had no idea if this RP would work or if it'd be a flop. Before Darke Magyk, my only successful RPs had been horror RPs and they certainly did [i]not[/i] still have seven RPers in them by the time they hit the 200s in posts! Plus, building an entirely new world and hoping that it makes sense? I am so chuffed to see how well it's turned out, especially as each and all of you helps to flesh out and contribute to that world. Hell, we've got people making flags and making traditional songs for different countries! I am so excited to see this first book drawing to a close, knowing that the next book will only be even better, since it's improved upon what doesn't work and kept the best parts about this RP. You are all simply [b]Magykal[/b]![/center]