I have now sat here for at least fifteen minutes trying to decide how best to introduce myself without feeling awkward, and have failed to come up with the proper witticisms. I give up. So, without further ado... Hi! I'm Camlin, I am twenty-something years old, and I have been doing online roleplay on and off since I was thirteen. I do one-on-one roleplays almost exclusively, as my (admittedly limited) experience of large group roleplays has been...regrettably chaotic. My genre of choice (reading, writing, and roleplaying) is fantasy, because my life is miserable without magic. I'm a college dropout, though I plan to go back. I completed almost three years of a Computer Science degree before I left. I now work as a customer service representative in a call center, though I am currently on a break for personal reasons, leaving my free time wide open. Thus, I've decided to rejoin the online roleplay community. I simply searched for roleplay forums and ended up here! When I am not roleplaying, I can usually be found reading. My latest fave is the [i]Throne of Glass[/i] series by Sarah J. Maas, though my all-time fave is and forever will be the [i]Harry Potter[/i] series. My friends and I play Pathfinder (basically D&D for the uninitiated) once a week, if we can. I also sometimes play video games. My first serious video game, [i]The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker[/i], will always have a special place in my heart. I also played [i]Twilight Princess[/i] and [i]Skyward Sword[/i], but I have not gotten my hands on [i]Breath of the Wild[/i] yet, as I don't have the right consoles. No point in buying a new console when there's only one game I want to play. Everything else I play on PC with a game controller, but Nintendo's gotta be all difficult. And with that, I think I've hit the salient points. I'm looking forward to starting up a new roleplay or two!