William, as shown by the starter, isn't a bad kid. He's a good lad, and has never committed a crime or hurt a soul. His hunger was driving him to steal, and he acted out of desperation rather than malice or bad thoughts. He didn't want to commit a crime, but saw nothing else he could do. He's too young for a job other then a paper route, and those are very few now. So, I am looking for someone to play the role of a mother or father to him. Someone to adopt and look after him, to help him become happy once more. ___ Swallowing hard, William stepped into the Walmart and looked around as though trying to see if anyone was watching him or if they'd seen him enter. His small frame was buried in a hoodie two or three sizes too large for him, and he carried a rather large backpack over one shoulder. He was so hungry, he felt exhausted and rather weak. He knew what he was going to do was wrong, and that he risked getting in an awful lot of trouble for it. But he was hungry and tired, and the little money he had on his person he needed to try and get a night or two in a rather cheap motel on the seedy, shady side of town. Though he knew it wouldn't provide much energy or substance, he made his way down the candy aisle. He had the thought process that he could empty the cases into his bag easily, and stuff it full as possible. Then, when he next went to school, he could sell some of it on to make some more money and get a nice hot shower, rather than relying on the showers at work. Kneeling down, the teen glanced around to make sure nobody was looking before he started to stuff anything he could in his bag. Chocolate, hard candies, soft candies, a few sodas... He felt on top of the world, but rather guilty too. He knew it was illegal, and was regretful, but he needed food and couldn't spend any of what he had on it. "Oi!" He heard the shouts of two clerks, getting to his feet as fast as he could as he grabbed the bag in his arms. Running down the aisle, he darted around customers and shopping carts, and skidded around the corner to narrowly avoid hitting a stack of cans displayed in the middle of the floor. Glancing over his shoulder as he reached the exit, William ran straight into a cart and hit the floor with a groan as he was winded. Glancing up, he saw and his heart sank. He was worried as hell that he'd be in a lot of trouble right now, and didn't dare meet his/her face. "Thief!" The manager called, various people turning to glare at William. He felt his cheeks heating up, but he couldn't yet stand and run more. He'd hurt his ankle rather badly, and was still rather winded and catching his breath. William knew full well what he'd done was awfully stupid, yet he was scared of the repercussions.