[hr][center][@Lauder][@Bishop][@Goldmarble][@DeadDrop][@Dnafein][hr][url=https://fontmeme.com/signature-fonts/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180829/2dbe0e75feb9260216d92ed415b25d3d.png[/img][/url][/center][hr] [center][h1]Friction[/h1][/center] Everything was on schedule even the dumbass curious law dog who popped up when he wasn’t wanted and one of the goons thought they could violate a contract in front of Cypress by trying to kill the guy. Cypress didn’t do snuff; it carried too much weight so she made the moron’s footing too slick for footing. Then as she started to snatch the law boy up and render his tattletale (Life monitor) harmless the Mindo brothers got angry with her and Acid tried to smoke her and the cop; he shouldn’t have tried that one. Cypress was the best at what she did and what she did was mercwork and she’d taken more than a few Gamma gangers down for the right price so when Frank’s scalding mist sprayed it found no target but the far wall. Friction had the cop by the collar and was flinging him out into the street when Willy went hyper right into Ghoster before the intangible Mindo could go ghost. They had picked the worst ground outside of an Ice rink to challenge the Mistress of friction, the bank was covered floor and walls in polished marble. The law boy hit the panic button on his tattletale sending a Gamma alert that would have the trinity Nabs on her and the morons in the bank probably as fast as they could fix and gate a wrecking crew in. Discretion the better half Cypress ditched the gang to their fates and hit the lock down as she sped out the doors and hit the street. Like a speed skater she headed up the main boulevard weaving in and out of the traffic as she went through her options. Con: The street peaks had her and the Trinity Nabs were running her through the recognizer and would have her calibrated in under a minute. Con: Once her profile was Tagged they would have their Tactical squints on her formulating a plan to hem her in and slow her down as they assembled the appropriate assets to take her out; 3 minutes tops. It was a rotten window but it was all she had so she moved to the Pro section of her tactics. Pro: She wasn’t an easy target and as adaptable to the shitshow as there was. Then she spotted it, a Law Bike and by it’s looks one of the older models which might meant she could pull the radio and disable the killswitch and increase her escape speed so she could try something really insane; good thing she’d been practicing holding her breath. She skidded to a stop right beside the bike and dumped the Law boy off while she jerked the radio out in less than 3 seconds. She was off and headed to Trinity Ramp and airport the bike performing as that Gadgeteer a WW never thought it would. It’s traction was perfect, it wasn’t affect by air drag as it moved at angles and vectors that were impossible even for those new spinners bikes. Her memory was perfect as her internal map drew her path which was purposely erratic so the squints couldn’t glom in on her real plan and if her luck held would think she was just trying to hit the dry lake bed and fly across it in a futile escape. [hr][hr][center]The Sundeck[/center][hr][hr] [B][center]All Call!, All Call![/center][/B] Squawked the radio’s of all law enforcement notifying them that unless they were presently engaged in “Life or Death” to stand by for orders from the higher ups. Wendy perked up hearing the All Call knowing it meant Gamma level trouble so she tapped her wrist activating her Holo assistant and asked it to Ident the Call [i]Four Gama caught in Robbery at the Trinity Federal 1 presently eluding police and Gamma apprehension teams on GM Zephyr r90 municipal present speed 375 mph location Storm drain 72 west. Ident is Callsign Friction Alpha level Ability Friction and Vector control augment positive Probability present Odds of Capture 87% and steady[/i] Wendy looked at her wrist thinking her assistant was faulting because the top speed of a r90 was only 125 till she added the floating zero resistance bearings optimized and the bike’s drag coefficient most likely zero as well. Normally that would mean the machine could only do 375 / 435 mph in a straight line till you added tires that don’t slip and velocity vectoring control. [b][color=20b2aa]”She must have an eidetic memory”[/color][/b] she said out loud then sighed looking at Kat [b][color=20b2aa]”Looks like this day is filled with excitement...maybe we should head to the Pulse tonight to keep the ball rolling?”[/color][/b] she said to the puppeteer