So I can’t find my original threads so I made a new one! This is going to be my final and hopefully official interest check! You can call me Sunflower or whatever. Fandoms: ♥ Harry Potter ♥ Hetalia ♥ Avatar the last Air bender Books: ♥ The Infernal Devices/ Mortal Instruments ♥ Graceling, Fire Historical: -Knight/Royal -Royal/ Peasant, Serf -Victorian -Renaissance -Ancient Civilizations -Western -Adventure About me: -I am female, and I am almost 21. I do not have a preference to one gender over the other, male and female partners as welcome; I play both male and female characters as well as any pairing. -My time zone is Mountain Standard (CO) and I am always on during the night. I take care of my elderly grandfather during the day and do not have the time to post during the day. -I enjoy meeting new people  OOC talk is preferred because it makes things more comfortable. I do talk a lot about roleplays a lot as well as other things. -There will be times that I do [b]not[/b] like romance. It gets boring after a while honestly :/ -If you present an idea to me that involves incest, rape or abuse I will not roleplay with you. Those are topics that I do not feel comfortable with. -[b]I do not roleplay canon X canon. [/b] What I ask of you: -Please no less than 3-5 lines (a small paragraph). I do not like one liners. -If English is not your first language please tell me because I am a native English speaker and I often make mistakes with words and stuff and I don’t want you to get confused with me ;_; My words do not make sense most of the time anyways. -You are not required to double but be aware that I do double, regardless of the roleplay. I will ask that you bring in side characters of all genders, races, colors, and so on. -Develop your character. -Have fun. This is your story as well, add a twist, and kill a character. Do something to make it interesting and fun. -And finally [b] I will only roleplay with those that are 18 or older.[/b]