[Center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/chais-hand-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180924/433dad03447de8d2fc73ce1d56231990.png[/img][/url][/center][hr][hr][Center][img] https://data.whicdn.com/images/160112889/superthumb.jpg?t=1422511195[/img][/center][hr][hr] [Center][b]Location[/b]: Courtyard [/center] [Center][b][hr]Interactions:[/b][/center][center][@KatKook][@Almalthia][@webboysurf][@Draven][@RumikoOhara][@Burning Kitty][/center][hr] [Center][b]Mentions:[/b][/center][center][@Lord Wraith][/center][hr] Api’s sudden declaration of his weight baffled Sally. She did that weird little neck bone thing and looked at him like he was insane. This guys was probably the same height she was, and weighed that much? And then he mentioned something that excited her. Something she had been thinking only moments ago. That they could use their abilities together. Sally’s face lit up and she smiled, nodding her head. [color=ec008c]“Yes, you read my mind, Api. I think we would make a great little team when it comes to things like that.”[/color] Especially right now, since her ability was rather weak. She was about to say something else to him, when she heard another voice. That sounded like it was above them. Sally looked up and actually jumped jumped bit when she saw Temperance hovering above them all. [I][color=ec008c]”So there she is,”[/color][/i] Sally thought with a bit of a smile. The red haired woman was wanting to get out of the institute. Sally was all for that, but perhaps on another occasion. It actually made her a bit sad that the woman didn't want to come and socialize with them. Of course, she could understand why, but still. If that's what she wanted though, Sally wouldn't push her to be social. Maybe if she slowly eased her way in there, she could get Temperance to loosen up a little. Wouldn't hurt to try. Drake’s voice then caught her attention. Sally looked over at him just as he was saying that he could use a change of scenery. Nodding her head, Sally agreed, but most likely wouldn't be leaving the school grounds. In all honesty, she wasn't sure what the Hell she wanted to do. There was a pool, a training room, her own room. Then Nik spoke up. She agreed with him, and really didn't want to get in trouble with the professor's during the first week. Plus, there was homework. Ugh… [color=ec008c]“I'm with Nik on this one guys. Actually, I think I may go for a swim.”[/color] She offered Nik a soft smile before returning her gaze to the others. It had been a long time since since had actually been in a pool. In Texas, it's all about going to lake, which was fine with her. It was just… they were always packed and dirty. Sally shared Drake’s glance, then looked to everyone else as well, even Temperance. [color=ec008c]“Anyone wanna come with,”[/color] she asked with hope filled eyes, hoping that she wouldn't be the only one. [color=ec008c]“Uná? Khloe?”[/color] Sally looked at everyone, including Joey. [color=ec008c]"Drake? Api?" [/color] Sally bit down on her lip as a looked between everyone, her eyebrows raising in hope. [color=ec008c]“Well, y'all know where to find me,”[/color] she stated as she waved at the rest of the crew and headed back inside. Sally would go swimming, even if it was by herself. Though she hoped someone would join her.