American Provisional License Exam PT. 2 *The final 8 teams have all gather in the waiting area for the test proctor to tell them what the final exam is* Proctor - okay we have 32 candidates left and you all have a chance to pass. All you have to do is survival or by some sort of miracle beat your opponent you’ll walk out of here with your provisional license. *random student asks who will we be facing if we all have a chance to pass* Proctor - great question. So here’s the deal. You’ll be fight some of the top hero’s. You could get the ranked 5 hero here in Chicago or in North America. It’s all random so best of luck. *One by one students are called to the stage to face off against a hero by random. Some heros go easy on some students while other go full fade on them putting them in the hospital. Out of 32 students so far 20 have past while 8 have been put in the hospital. Finally Andrew hears his name and proceeds to the stage.* Proctor - Okay Andrew your hero opponent will be *pulls number out of a hat* the number 1 hero in Chicago also the number 7 hero in North America your father figure “The Urban Gladiator” LT. *you can here an audible gasp thoughtout the auditorium* LT - You ready son? I can’t go easy on you so try you best okay?!?! (LT’s quirk is total invincibility while holding his breath. Along with that his years as a seal has sharpen his hand to hand combat along has his weapons skills. As of now he has a bo staff that can be spill in two, titanium (brass) knuckles, and a whip.) Proctor - LT are you ready? *LT gives him a 👍🏾* Proctor - Andrew are you ready? Andrew - Let’s get this over with. Proctor - Okay let the match being!! *As soon as the match start LT sprints towards Andrew and before he could react he has a fist 🤜🏾 to his gut. He collapsed to one knee gasping for air* LT - Come now son we been training for weeks and you still can’t stop a single hit. *Thought out his time with LT in all there training and sparing sessions he has never landed a single hit and there matches have never lasted 2 minuets let alone 5* LT - If you don’t get serious this match will end every quickly. *Andrew opens a shadow portal to try and gain some space but before he come fully get in LT grabs him and tosses him across the ring. Body aching in pain he focus his power and activities his shadow cloak which acts as a full body shield and then tries to use shadow tag but can’t get close enough to tag him while avoiding his whip.* Proctor - 2 minuets has elapsed. *After playing cat and mouse for 2 minuets Andrew tries to go on the offensive but ends up getting tagged by LT’s punches.* LT - Andrew if you’re not going to take this seriously I’ll end this ri..... *LT looks down to finds himself caught by shadow tag. Andrew smirks and begins to calculate a plan* LT - So you think you can hold me for the rest of the time huh? Smart but I know you and what you can and can’t do. *LT starts to hold his breath and active his ability. He starts to glow blue and slowly moves forwards towards Andrew* Andrew - You..... won’t..... be me today. I’ve been training to use this in hopes of one day fighting you. *Andrew closes his eyes and starts radiating a dark black aura. LT knowing what he’s trying to do frantically trying to reach him before it’s to late* LT - You’re not ready to use that power yet you could hurt someone. Andrew(Noir) - Yea you that’s the point. *Andrew activities the power of darkness and the ring is now surrounded by a shadow force field.* LT - So this is your real power huh? Let’s see how strong you got. *LT goes to punch Andre but it goes right though him* LT - So in here your body is make of shadow so you don’t have a physical form. Well that’ll make it hard to hit you but in return you can’t hit m.... *👊🏾 Andrew decks LT right in the face. And LT looks confused but shakes it off and tries to figure out how to get a hit off. While he tries to think he starts to get bombarded by dark energy waves coming from all angles. He goes invincible but the constant wave after wave has him struggling to maintain holding his breath. * Proctor - 1 minuet remains! *LT still getting hit from all angles start looking around for an opening. He starts to see apart of the field that looks off. With the last of his breath he took one giant step and placed his brass knuckles on and punched though the field. The shadow field dissipates. Andrew goes back to normal drenched in sweat breathing heavy weak at the knees. LT gains is composure and see his opening. He goes for one last punch but before making contact* Proctor - Time is up. Andrew you lasted the whole 5 minuets. You pass. Congratulations!!!! Andrew - ................... *Andrew collapse on the ground and passes out. LT takes him to the nurse to get bandages and looked at* Andrew unconscious in his head talking - Mom did I make you proud?