[hr] [hr] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/Y5dBzhA.png[/img] [b]Multiplayer Event 2[/b] [sup][i]THE RAFT[/i][/sup] [sup][sup][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YFIGUrAWM4k]Music[/url][/sup][/sup] [/center] [hr] [hr] As there was an explosion outside, Iris finished her sweep of the rear of the prison before speeding through the prison. She slapped the back of a prisoners head, grabbed a makeshift weapon from his hand and threw it away as he moved to take out the guard leading his group. [color=#ff9900]“He’s your way out of here alive, you maybe don’t want to kill him.” [/color]She looked down the corridor to see Blue literally holding the door open, though he was visibly starting to strain under the weight. She ran over to the man in Blue just in time to hear him speak to himself: [color=#7ea7d8]"Jaime Reyes- [i]agh[/i]- superhero. I can- [i]shit, this is heavy[/i]- get used to that."[/color] Iris turned to the prisoners and the guard. [color=#ff9900]“Hurry up, come on you need to get out of there.” [/color]As the prisoners passed through the doorway and into the courtyard they were promptly moved around the side of the courtyard and away from the conflict. She grabbed Blue around the waist and pulled him away from the door as it slammed closed. The prison was a serious state of disrepair, all the inmates would likely need to be taken. Iris turned to ‘Jaime’ with a coy smile. [color=#ff9900]“You might want to avoid the use of your real name while suited up, there’s a reason we all have a nom de guerre.[/color]” She turned as a figure appeared, speaking to the Surfer. [i]Kissing[/i] him. A solemn tear curled it’s way down Iris’ face, so much chaos. So much violence at the hands of one man, and he wasn’t even in control off himself. As the two of them disappeared fatigue finally caught up with her and she fell to her knees. She took a deep breath as she tried to steal herself the resolve to run back to Central City. There was still damage here yes, still work to be done. There were a lot of prisoners that needed transported, a lot of damage control to do but she was tired. She was hurt. Only now was she once again made aware of the burns over her body, the cuts and the bruises. The aching realisation of what kind of day she had had came back to her after the adrenaline wore off. Iris forced herself to her feet and put a hand on Blues shoulder. [color=#ff9900]“If you ever need me kid, stop by Central City.” [/color]Like many other people, she had never been in a situation such as this. So wasn’t entirely sure on the protocol, when she and Surfer had faced down the Surfer the first time he had helped her out of there because she was pretty badly beat up. Something which mirrored her current state. Instead she merely offered a meek wave, a wink to Spider-Woman and started limping away. Just walking for now, not quite ready to work up to a run.