[color=red][center][h1]Cloak's Crew[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [@thedman] The battlefield was steadily growing more quiet and still, many of the rabid creatures had faded completely, and most of what hadn't fled to the safety of the less rabid, were wrapping eachother up nicely... Of course, with the complete lack of communication options, things had grown... awkward between the marines and the strangely dressed natives, which one might note had clearly taken notice of the other creatures and their airship, but also clearly considered the big metal creatures before them a more important thing to focus on. ... Alas, this communication issue seemed to leave the trio opposite the marines completely uncertain on what to do about it, none of them were particularly experienced in bridging language barriers. [color=red]"OI! Ain't this a helluva soit?! Hahah!"[/color] That was 'english', or some reasonable facsimile involving a very thick accent. It wasn't hard to miss the figure walking up the edge of the mountain, clothed head to toe in red they stood out incredibly well against the forestry background, and held a gloved hand above the brim of their hat, clearly looking 'above' the parties that were met on the battlefield. [color=red]"HOOOO! Nah 'Thas' a 'real' ship! Sad she's ol busted up!"[/color] There wasn't a bit of his 'body' visible under all those cloths, but he was clearly armed... with things that would be embarassing to try using against a marines armor... [hr] [color=green][center][h1]The Changelings[/h1][/center][/color] The changeling chuckled slightly at Lee's shock and shrugged it off [color=green][/color] The a low playful snort sounded and the three of them all let off silly buzzy chuckles before he continued [color=green][/color] He straightened himself up then and gave an oddly proper bow [color=green][color] He paused suddenly, straightening up and seemingly glancing at the wall [color=green][/color] [hr] [color=purple][center][h1]Luna Butting into everything... and now less[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [@lugia] Luna chuckled quietly and shook her head [color=662d91]"Certainly not!... at least, no sooner than anyone else. There are many strangers loose in the forest, better to keep an eye on everyone 'visiting' at once."[/color] She didn't clarify, but that also meant anyone wandering uninvited might be prone to arrest, or more. Then she shrugged just slightly [color=662d91]"And, you will figure it out, it is a natural skill, just don't lose your patience with something so small, you're starting even lower than a foal would, at least they have genetic instinct."[/color] He rather quickly wandered off on his own it seemed... Well, she wasn't here to baby sit him, now that the threat was past, she could return her focus to other things... and it seems that yet another of the newer visitors simply vanished into thin air again, this was getting tedious... they'd have to post permanent guards around the forest's perimeter to watch for future spontaneous arrivals. With that, this current iteration vanished in a cloud of... 'nighty magic stuff', and flowed through the air to return to her original body, along side the other now obsolete clone. [hr] [@Rune_alchemist] [hider=Collab] It was... a strange sight, like stepping into the past... or at least a part of it. This strange Twilight environment held a strange resemblance to an ancient town she recalled, one that she discovered later had faded away in her absence... However, it was certainly not this tall, this city looked like it could loom above even mane-hatten's heights. More importantly though, there was a reactoin to her presence, something that made her both curious and wary, and she... not so much 'walked' or flew, but vanished and appeared a couple of meters from the strange little box... this honestly seemed like the kind of silly thing that Discord might pull... if he were being predictable at least. This didn't stop her from lighting her horn, and tugging at the bow to loosen the box... honestly somewhat prepared for it to explode confetti at her or something. ------------ As soon as the lid popped off, Luna would not be disappointed, though in an unexpected way. "Oi, what'cha doin? That's me hat!" The voice was high pitched and likely a little confusing to locate. "Where ye lookin at? Down sexy tall legs! The brightly colored box at your hooves!" Yes, the brightly colored box was speaking, and its top wasn't a top at all, but a hat rather. How was said hat moving like lips? Well, it was probably best not to question such things for ones sanity. ------------ Luna's eyes went wide when she heard the voice, indeed first glancing all around for it's source, before following it down to the 'talking box'... heavens, not what she expected precisely, but still rather strange... She took a step back, quickly floating the 'hat' back down to sit on the box "Oh dear, I'm sorry about that, It seems like something may have been stuck inside and trying to get out. I... have not met a talking box before... at least not one without something inside of it doing the talking." This was rather silly, but dreams were strange things, and she had time to play along for now.' ------------ "Hey hey, that's alright star-spangled beauty. I am a merciful, and understanding box, after all." Pausing for a moment the box lid popped off its body for a moment, seemingly realizing. "Ah, how rude of me! I've yet to introduce myself!" Somehow jumping into the air, twirling in place while a few stars flew out from the box before popping like fireworks, he introduced himself. "I am Cornelius C. Box. A pleasure, oh mighty tall dark and beautiful! I am currently hiding from a friend of mine. We were playing hide and seek and I'm currently doing the hiding. I'd love to stay and chat, but if you could skedaddle before she finds me, I'd be forever in your debt!" "Cornelius!" Suddenly from above a sing songy voice Luna might recognize as Shael's could be heard. "Found yoooou!~" If Luna so happened to look up, She'd see the Ebon riding on what looked to be a giant cloud of cotton candy, hanging off the side of it, grasping the top with her feet being used for balance. Leaping off, the Ebon fell, fell, fell…before it landed on the ground, rolling, scooping up the small box in her arms, and cuddling it. "Tee-hee! You can't hide from me you silly box!" "Never would dream of running from you, madam Shael!" The box laughed jovially turning to Luna. "Friend of yours?" "Hmm….ah! Star-Mane!" It Seemed as though Shael for the most part was fully lucid in her dreams. "Hee! Dream-Walker? President will be jealous! It's her unique selling point, Tee-hee! What brings you to this little corner of this Ebon's mind? Here for a chat?" Pulling a giant candy-cane looking object out of nowhere she offered it to Luna. "Want some candy?" Cornelius seemed to find a seat on top of Shael's head. ------------ This was so silly, it reminded her of the time she peeked into Tiberius' dreams... animal's dreams were strange, and often nonsensical... She giggled softly at the strange box's rambling, something that still sounded fairly musical actually. "Ahh, heavens, how pleasant, I suppose I shall-" The shout from above though, interupted her and she backed up a bit more to look up and... well... Admittedly, the cotton candy cloud was a bit much of a traumatic reminder of days of old, and it gave her... thoughts... but the creature attached to it assauged many of t hose worries as she watched it dropping down to assault the box with affection... it was still an adorable sight to witness, and it seemed she was noticed quite soon. She put on a soft smile and eyed up the strange creature from up close once more "I see you have such a thing, fascinating, I have not encountered many who even know of dream-walking." She perked up at the offer of 'candy'... then shrugged, she could still play along at least. "Why not." And floated it over with her horn to take a lick. "And you could say that. you passed out from your injury, and I thought I would see if your's was a dreaming species that I could attempt to communicate with in this manner... It should do well to bridge the language barrier for a short time at least, and to learn a bit about eachother, yes?" She also gave a short polite bow of her head "And, I am Princess Luna, it is... prefferable, to meet you properly, hmhm." ------------ "Shael sees, Shael sees." Yes yes, names were good. Handing over the candy cane, the Ebon giggled. Bowing with her long, unnaturally flexible arms she introduced herself. "Shael'Sallatha of the Ebon Consortium. Jester and former advisor to the President! And this,tee-hee," She giggled, patting the colorful box on her head. "Is Cornelius! My best friend since I was created, hee!" "It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Princess Luna!" Cornelius replied from atop his perch. "Ah yes yes, Jessiel is always so concerned. Good fellow! Always taking care of little Jester Shael despite all his complaints, tee-hee!" She giggled, eyes expressing joviality as she finished. "What does Luna wish to know? This Ebon shall do her best to reply, tee-hee! But perhaps it would be best to enjoy the sweet festival memories as we do so?" Pausing a moment, Shael twirled, ornaments in her hair chiming and jingling pleasantly. "Ah, home home. Such a shame this one will likely never see it again." ------------- She smiled pleasantly as she watched the showy creature posing and introducing herself, it was actually making her think slightly of a more mature pinkie pie, less drug like obsession with the silliest thing possible, and more 'show and flair'... She gave a slightly more enthusiastic bow of her own. "It is a pleasure indeed, in both cases." Before straightening back up. "Mmm, though saying you were 'created' does make me curious..." She let it slide for the moment "Alas, there is always something important to talk about isn't there?" She gave off a small sigh but nodded "There are many questions, though I do not know how long we will have in this case... but exploring the destival will certainly not hurt... and of course, one of the biggest questions that comes to mind is what you plan to do in the near future,. and perhaps any information you may have about how you came here... Though I don't know that you'll 'never' get home, i'm sure there is a way, though it will likely take much studdy to discover 'how'." -------------- "Oops, perhaps said too much, heehee!~" The Ebon laughed. "Will speak later, tee-hee! For now…" Waltzing slowly over to the railing overlooking the city far, far below, Shael motioned for Luna to follow. "Follow, Dark Orchestra of Moon Tides. Dance with the Ebon, even if they are just passing ghosts." Cornelius followed, taking off his lid and mimicking the movements of a bow before falling with her, the lid flipping a few times in the air before it followed after her. Without another word, she leaped off the balcony, falling to the street below. As soon as Luna followed her, she would find herself among a maze of brightly lit streets, the din of music and festival clearly heard. It would have been a lively display, and yet…a certain melancholy seemed to permeate the atmosphere. Despite the supposed warm atmosphere of the dream. "Hee!" Waltzing along the street, Shael led Luna through the cities mazes. Several stalls that seemed to be selling different things and such lined the streets, filled with various alien foods that Luna could try, if she wanted. "How does the Princess find it? Festivals are so common in the Consortium, but they are all so wonderfully fun all the same!" Pausing for a moment at an intersection of four roads, Shael spoke in a mildly more serious tone. "No idea how we came to your pretty little planet. Simply traveling through a standard wormhole drive standard for Space Travel! Such a luxurious gift from the humans, tee-hee! But opportunity is born from tragedy. We simply wish to study and catalogue. Ebon mean no harm, only study!~" She giggled. "…though sometimes perhaps get carried away." ------------- [/hider] [hr] [color=orange][center][h1]Some new Thiccness Butting in[/h1][/center][/color] [hr] [@evanist] and technically [@everyone] Who can see the sky XD It really seemed like quite a horrid situation, the progressing damage was mounting as the vines were joined by thicker roots that had a better chance of forcing their way under armor or bending metal out of the way. The storm was relentless! That said though, the plants that had made it inside 'did' slow down as the internal temperature dropped, it didn't stop them so well, and outside it almost seemed like the forest itself was trying to lean in around the ship to swallow it. At least, until something happened that likely anyone in the forest would be able to witness, the eclipse up in the sky flashes, and the ring of light around almost seemed to fall from the sky, a spiral of fire seemed to pour into the forest with astounding precision, creating a ring of fire incinerated the vines and roots, cutting them cleanly loose and, it seemed, causing the forest itself to lurch away from the crash-site. The source might not have been particularly clear at first, especially to those who were watching it from afar, nor the cameras or sensors of other ships, but the Avali ship would get a clear view, as the conjured ring of fire spread slowly away from the ship, and 'not' towards it, as if something were controlling it, something else arrived with a wash of heat, some shimmering white quadruped that seemed to be decorated with fire for a mane and tail, and brightly glowing eyes. It did however seem to be focused on the forest and the fire that pushed it back, fire that stopped after a few seconds more, pulling away to give the forest room to 'relax'.