So uh, onnnn that note. I'm going to be dropping out of this. I originally wanted to help Sat get his bearings on Gming and wanted to help him get off the ground, but after taking too much of the work load on myself and burning out (didn't want to be the main GM, yet I acted like it anyway) I really don't have any remote passion to keep going with this. RPing YGO has actually been a pretty negative experience across the board for me, and I've found I enjoy video editing way more at this point, anyway. Sorry to be leaving y'all out to dry like this, considering I have both the synchro dorm and fire dorm under my belt. Feels like I'm just not cut out to GM or co-GM. Fingers crossed I'm not important enough to kill this RP with just my departure. Someone else can take up the co-GM mantle and help Sat out if they want. discussed this with Sat beforehand, btw.