Well, they had a possible, and good, reason for why their memories were blank, and a good warning about form and function. 02 was glad that her mask had not malfunctioned, stuck either open or closed. Beyond that, however, she could not have said if it was working properly. That might be something they would have to test, if they could remember how. For now, however, she listened to the rest of the explanation, still frowning behind her mask, finding it strange to think of such an all consuming war when she could not even imagine what her life was like without it. No matter, then, it was their life from now on, if they were to ask these children of the Mother for their help, then abandoning them was no great display of gratitude. She supposed that meant they had chosen a side. Just as well, neutrality did not sit well with her, when she liked one side so little. Even better, the old machine offered them a map, and a goal. Now, they had something to work towards. She was already in ready agreement with 01’s opinion as the other girl began talking. But with the last statement, she couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her. Somewhat distorted, it still emerged as genuine amusement, and she was grinning where they couldn’t see. “Are you awake now? It is nice to see.” But a hand still dropped to rest on a knife’s hilt as she turned back to the old machine, inclining her body in a gratefully exaggerated nod by way of acknowledgement. “It is good enough to have a goal and explanation. Thank you. Well, shall we then, sisters?” It felt right to call them that, even if she wasn’t the least bit certain of their actual relations. She didn’t care. “Let’s remember the route.”