Evelyn felt a sharp pain in her head and her eyes shot open, jolting her awake. She instantly regretted at, and squeezed her eyes shut. Reaching up, she brought her hand up to her head, resting the palm of it against her forehead. That wasn't the part that really hurt, no. It was the back of her head. It felt as if she had been hit with a Louisville Slugger. That's when she started remembering what had happened, and everything started kicking in. It was then that her body started aching, like she had been dropped from a 4 story building. Evelyn groaned and moved her hand from her forehead to the back of her head where it had hit the ground. She scrunched her face up in pain and tried to sit up. This was when she noticed that she wasn't on something hard. No, she was in something soft. Taking her attention away from her pain, she opened her eyes and actually looked around. She was in a room, in a bed. But where? Panic struck her suddenly. Clay? Perilous? The unknown man? Where were they? Ignoring the pain in her head and body, Evelyn jumped out of the bed and hauled ass out of the room. She looked around then, noticing that the place looked familiar. The Tavern. It was somewhat cleaned up and repaired. The bot. Glancing around, she noticed that she was up on the second level, and there were more doors on each side of her. Cautiously, Evelyn walked to one of tnem and slowly opened the door. It was empty. She walked down past it, leaving it open. Opening the next door, she saw the unknown man in another bed. "Ok," she said to herself as she closed the door and walked down to the other one. Opening that door, she peeked in, but didn't see anyone. Turning around, she walked back in the direction she had come from, walking past the room she had been in and to th next room. She opened that door, and peeked in. There was Clay. Evelyn stood at the door for a moment, debating on whether she should go in or not. In the end, she decided not to, and quietly closed the door. Perilous hadn't been in any of the rooms she had checked. Did that mean she was dead? Evelyn looked down at the floor in shame, feeling tears burn her eyes. All of this was her fault. Releasing the door knob, Evelyn turned and walked down the stairs and to the ground floor. She walked behind the counter and snatched up a bottle of something. It didn't even matter what it was. Then, she plopped down on one of the bar stools. Setting the bottle on the bar, she stated at it for a second before violently twisting the lid off and dropping it. It bounced off the bar and fell onto the floor. She didn't care. Evelyn brought the bottle to her lips and started gulping the alcohol down. She would get shit faced, and then leave. Leave it all behind. Maybe that way, those bastards would come after her, and not innocent people. [@Blueflame][@Dark light][@King Tai][@Dealdric]