[b]Above the Wastes - Sarah Steel[/b] Sarah smiled as she received a very flattering comment from the female mercenary, taking a glance to briefly check her out as she said, "You're attractive as well, but I'm currently looking for a husband to continue my family. After [i]that[/i], though..." A bit of flirty banter, before she chuckled, hoping to give the impression that she wasn't actually serious... Much. These people are dangerous, so she had to project an air of untouchability. Then the female mercenary left, and it all went downhill as Misha outright refused her and the Adept's offers. Sarah was tempted to be outraged, but decided to wait for the mechanic girl to say anything. Then it turned out that said mechanic girl was turning her request down as well. So Sarah just sighed, and said, "I see." Scanning Misha with her eyes, Sarah knew that the man was ironclad in his desire to keep her out of the ship. And if the mechanic girl was going along with him. This was going to be difficult...