[hider=The Goddess of Devilry] [center][h2]Anu'Varr[/h2] Goddess of Devilry, The Scarred One, The Curse Giver [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c2/42/6b/c2426b328b09edd55974af89b04d747f.jpg[/img] Domain: Devilry Realm: Osarion, The Ebony Castle In the middle of the world, built atop a lone mountain, there resides the home of Anu. An evil place, Osarion is the home of the damned, a place where no sane mortal would ever venture. Home to demons and depraved creatures, secrets of Anu, and much, much more. There are many paths to reach Osarion, for those foolish enough to brave them, or for those unlucky souls who find themselves taken against their will. It's central location is both a beacon and a deterrent, for Anu cares little for being secluded from the world, unlike some of her siblings. The black castle spews out a vile miasma into the air, blanketing the land from the sun, and leaving the surrounding area's life, warped and desolate. This unnatural cloud cover however, never grows beyond the mountain. At least not yet. The massive castle itself sits precariously on the mountain, blanketed in eternal twilight. Only the glow of burning fires provides any light, any warmth. At the Pinnacle of Osarion resides the Devil's Throne, made from the bones of humanity. Besides her throne room, there is the treasury, a place that sits within the heart of Osarion. Not a soul save Anu know what resides within, but many have their guesses. Below the treasury, at the very bottom of the castle, the dungeons sit. Full of those foolish enough to upset Anu, and a place to keep food fresh. The mountain itself is filled with twisting passages, large caverns, breeding pits, and other unimaginable horrors. (Much more to be added as rp progresses) Biography/Personality: Anu'Varr is a dark goddess, full of spite and wickedness. She came well after the first gods were born, and her violent birth scarred her body, and her mind, turning her angry and cruel. She cares little for her fellow siblings, rarely calling upon them for anything, and hardly ever answering unless she receives something in return. Her relationships with most of the firstborns, is incredibly strained to the point of being nonexistent. She is vindictive to the thought they came before her, and she blames them for what her domain now is. Godhood was thrust upon her whether she wanted it or not, and her existence is now defined but what she is, instead of what she could have been. As such, she very much enjoys causing them displeasure, no matter how inconvenient it seems. She would not throw away a chance to consume their divinity and add it to herself. Anu finds most mortals to be expandable play things, who break far too easily. Her thoughts are of having purpose, and if you can't be useful, then you don't really deserve to exist. In rare moments she will allow a mortal a favor, but it usually comes with a catch. It is not in her nature to give without taking, and kindness has no place in her blackened heart. On humanity, Anu has a deep hatred, founded the moment she looked upon them. They had came before her, a DIVINE, these beings of flesh and blood. A thought most inconceivable to the Goddess of Devilry. It was wrong, so very wrong to imagine such creatures living in happiness, before she had even opened her eyes. For this transgression, she vowed to wipe them off the face of the planet. But when she learned of her siblings and some of their care for humanity, Anu's anger was unbridled. So she cursed the species, in a scream that shook the world, placing into their hearts the potential for hatred, violence and cruelty. The "Sin Curse", as it was to be called, would live in humanity, but only truly revealing itself with their first act of knowingly sinning. Anu ultimately is a being of desires. She will always want more then what she will ever have, and she is cursed to never see it. Her machinations are of control and domination of the world, to cause mayhem and grow wickedness into mortal hearts. To take what is not hers, and shape it to be what she craves, whatever it takes. To snuff out the other gods, to make them her servants, it would bring her nothing but empty joy. Anu's greatest fault is that she can never find happiness, no matter what she does, no matter how hard she looks- there will always be an empty pit inside of her, and it will never be filled. Notes: [hider=Ferron's Gifts] [img]https://i.artfile.me/wallpaper/21-06-2017/650x372/fentezi-demony-cherep-roga-vzglyad-fon-d-1181247.jpg[/img] [b][u]Darkdrinker[/u][/b] - The Spear of Devilry, a divine weapon forged from the material known as demon-metal. It was crafted for Anu, and Anu alone. The Spear is capable of inflicting grievous wounds upon flesh, wherein it will then devour any blood spilled. This blood is then transferred to Anu's armor, where it is stored and able to be used later. [u][b]Demon-Metal Armor[/b][/u] - Also forged by Ferron, this armor is of divine origin and given to Anu at the fulfillment of their bargain. The armor itself has no name, save that is known as Anu's. Due to the distinct nature of its crafting, this armor is extremely durable and bloodthirsty. It bears the visage of demonic skulls upon it's pauldrons, and is etched with twisted and vile words. [/hider] Misc: Anu is a sucker for flattery, and is a bit self entitled. Her siblings would know her to be a bit on the mad side. "Put that on my Tabula" [/center][/hider] [hider=Relations] [u][b]Apolios[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Might I pluck such a chord from his body, then let it rot within chaos for eternity, I would."[/color] [u][b]Azhriel[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"He picked the wrong God to watch.. But I don't mind."[/color] [u][b]Baina Ez Voioz[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Call it whatever you like, but Conquest cannot exist without war, and war only subsists through sinners."[/color] [u][b]Dao Rugadh[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Yet another who's passions are for mortals. Such ambition.. yet clouded with obsession."[/color] [u][b]Dirka[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Mad, and not in the way I like."[/color] [u][b]Drakairós[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Which ever mortal, God, or creature proclaimed three heads were better then one, was [i]lying[/i]."[/color] [u][b]Ferron[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Let the Dirt Dweller have his earth, I don't imagine it will last [i]forever[/i].[/color] [u][b]Gammaton[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"I don't like [i]bugs[/i], I find them to be such a nuisance."[/color] [u][b]Hayim[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Such a thorn, a sharp [i]biting[/i] thorn."[/color] [u][b]Hyperion[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Too much light and it will only be blinding. His pathetic crusades are of little consequence."[/color] [u][b]Iarus[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Oh Deception, so honest with what it is."[/color] [u][b]Iva'Kroth[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Was it insanity that drove the lust for knowledge, or was it knowledge that drove the insanity?"[/color] [u][b]Naswaru[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Another [i]human[/i] lover.. I wonder.. take the beast out of its environment, throw it somewhere new, does it still reign supreme?"[/color] [u][b]Nerplaguis[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Sickness breeds sickness, so I've heard."[/color] [u][b]Oao[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Is the sun as equally afraid of the dark, as this one is of the sun?"[/color] [u][b]Quill[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Another humanist? Perhaps one day he will wander so far that even he becomes lost."[/color] [u][b]Ragnagedon[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"This [i]brother[/i], he has potential."[/color] [u][b]Ral[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"I fail to see why this one has a [i]chord[/i]."[/color] [u][b]Somler[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"If he is [i]unknown[/i], then how does he exist?"[/color] [u][b]Svieand[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Unlike Deception, I find that Cold is never honest with itself."[/color] [u][b]Valen[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"I know little about this one, but I have heard he's good with a chisel."[/color] [u][b]Van Kurr[/b][/u]- [color=crimson]"Let him have the Oceans, let him drown all that enter."[/color] [/hider] [url=https://www.roleplayerguild.com/topics/171492-zees-mes/ooc#post-4768801]Creations[/url]