[hider=Yisk Safil] [center] [h1]Yisk Safil[/h1] [img]https://78.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m03nfnHLGp1r3kvzio1_500.jpg[/img] [i]"A worthy hunt deserves a quick death"[/i] [/center] [b]Name[/b]: Yisk Safil [b]Gender[/b]: Male [b]Sexuality[/b]: Heterosexual [b]Species[/b]: Barabel [b]Age[/b]: 32 [b]Planet/moon of Origin[/b]: Barab I [b]Languages[/b]: [list][*]Barabel language [*]Galactic Basic [*] Huttese [/list] [b]Appearance[/b]: The towering reptilian stands 2.3 meters in height, with a powerful, muscular form which indicates years of intense physical activity. Yisk is a powerful figure, with features almost as brutal as his attitude. His skin is a greyish shade and marked up with scars, reminders of the past. A notable scar runs right next to his left eye, from where a dagger cut across his face. His eyes are a predatory black, his expression often either a mischievous grin or a violent glare. He always wears sturdy metallic armor, which is heavy enough to encumber an average man but provides ample protection from damage. He carries a variety of weapons to fit the mission, but always seems to be armed to the teeth. [b]Background[/b]: On the unpredictable world of Barab I, life is a constant struggle. His people had a primitive tribal society instead of a true government. Yisk was born into one of these tribes, but not one of the strongest on the planet. He never knew his father, and his mother was cruel to him, frequently beating him. There was little love for the young Barabel, which no doubt played a part in him becoming such a remorseless hunter. He was lucky to survive his youth, his tribesmen were frequently hunted by predatory beasts that lurked in the wilderness of his homeworld, if not killed by the torrential floods that tended to occur on the surface of the world. Still, Yisk grew strong quickly. If it wasnt these natural dangers that haunted his people it was the other tribes, inter-tribal warfare was commonplace among his species. War for territory, war for subjugation, Barabel have a reputation as a vicious race for a reason. At the age of twelve he watched his mother get cut down in a raid, while he never held much love for the woman it was still a life changing event for the young Yisk. He grew up faster after that, becoming a highly esteemed warrior in his tribe. He did his part to help them prosper, his natural strength and brutality enabling him to become a truly effective warrior. Yisk would frequently lead raids on other tribes, taking a key role in these battles. He also flourished as a hunter of the ferocious fauna on his world, routinely bringing back skulls and teeth of beasts he had slain by himself with little weaponry. The end of the Republic was of little concern to his people, they were mostly withdrawn and focused on their own tribal squabbles. Little did they know what the Empire would attempt to bring to their planet, and hunt his people like the creatures they themselves preyed upon. The Imperials established a safari on his homeworld, where wealthy Imperial citizens could go on adventures to hunt the Barabel, despite them being an intelligent race. These safaris declined in years, as his people fought back, frequently butchering the hunters that tried to come for them. It was around this time that his own tribe faced internal struggles, as a faction within it seeked to dispose their leader in favor of a stronger one. Yisk was a part of this side, though their attempted coup failed leaving those alongside him to either be killed or imprisoned. The Barabel was one of those that was thrown in prison, where he resided for several months. Luck would be on his side, as a visitor to his world, a Trandoshan named Ghangu would cross paths with him. The bounty hunter freed Yisk, in exchange for the Barabel being the hunter's guide. He came to respect the bounty hunter in their journey together, and owed him gratitude for freeing him. Upon finding the bounty hunter's target Yisk pounced the man in a surprisingly quick move. From there it became a beneficial partnership, as Yisk followed the Trandoshan into outer space leaving his homeworld for the first and last time. The two reptilians became well known and fearsome bounty-hunters, ones who didn't bother to read past the first two words of "Wanted: Dead or Alive" posters. Yisk's natural savagery and pure combat focus fitting in well with Ghangu's suave, criminal expertise. When the Spice Wars began, the two were tasked with defending supply ships ferrying spice back to the Hutt homeworld. When things began to go south, Yisk and Ghangu tried to escape the ensuing blockade, killing several Imperial border guards in the process. [b]Skills[/b]: [list] [*] He's a highly trained bounty hunter, as such he's deadly with a variety of blaster weapons. Though he favors heavy repeating blaster rifles. [*] Yisk is a monstrosity physically, in hand to hand combat he is capable of just throwing enemies around, lifting grown men up like nothing. He's a frightening sight on the battlefield. [*] His armor, shields and hardy skin provide him much in the way of protection. This Barabel can withstand a beating. He's well suited for direct combat. [*] When enraged he is especially dangerous, adrenaline flows through his veins and he is almost unstoppable physically. He tends to just enter a mindset where he aims to utterly annihilate his enemies allowing nothing to stand in his way. [*] He's generally an imposing figure, he's not afraid to use brute force to get his way. Threats from him seem to carry a real air of danger to them and he can often get his way just by putting up an aggressive display. [*] Equipped with a strong sense of smell, and fostered with an upbringing dangerous homeworld Yisk is a natural hunter. He can track down prey with skill, and is well suited for bounty hunting. [*] His species naturally possesses retractable claws and razor sharp teeth, if unarmed these can be deadly last ditch weapons. [/list] [b]Drawbacks[/b]: [list] [*] Yisk is noted for his extremely violent temper, with a short switch behind it and a generally aggressive attitude. When angered his responses tend to be of the violent kind. He has little control over himself when enraged. [*] While he is no lumbering idiot Yisk is not a master tactician or genius, he tends to tackle all of his problems head on with direct, immediate action. He can be outwitted. [*] He often just takes what he sees as his, using his raw strength to push people around. [*] He has a sadistic streak, enjoying inflicting pain on his enemies. Yisk loves violence a [i]little too much[/i]. Overall he shows signs of psychopathy with zero remorse for his actions no matter how brutal. [*] Yisk is not the most approachable fellow, while he's not outwardly mean to strangers, his appearance and reputation tend to frighten away some potential friends. [*] He has a very high opinion of himself, and is quite pompous. [*] His words are often totally blunt in their honesty, he sees no reason to sugarcoat his opinions. This is partly why he's been advised by his partner Ghangu to let him do most of the talking when it comes to work. [/list] [/hider]