[quote=@Draven] For sure - I think we're all trying to react from character perspective. For myself, as far as Drake is concerned, he doesn't know her name or her powers beyond what he has witnessed. To him, Temperance is an aggressive stranger who just showed up and wants to party, so he's assessed her character accordingly. I, as the writer, know exactly where Temperance is coming from but can't make my character possess that privaledged knowledge. Hope that makes sense [/quote] I agree. We as players know her back story but not the characters. Fourth wall breach, or meta-gaming, seems like something that we all frown upon. Don't take it to personally if the characters react differently than we do. I for one am all for kicking the guys ass. Nobody calls a woman the "c" word...unless it's deserved...which it wasn't. UnĂ¡ may be temperamental, y'all have yet to see that redheaded temper just yet.