[hider=Momaru/Momo] [b]Age:[/b] ?? (He's only been sentient for about 20 years, but he's physically been around for eons) [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Majin [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider][img]https://scontent-frt3-2.cdninstagram.com/vp/5415dbf03cef6625e760298a4cbf10e3/5C28C58B/t51.2885-15/sh0.08/e35/c0.135.1080.1080/s640x640/40260906_333050197268519_1333821021693673472_n.jpg[/img][/hider] Momo's clothes are apparently part of his body, as he can make himself appear in different clothing by simply morphing his body. While what you see above is something he often wears in battle, on most occasions he'll just give himself something more casual and usually hooded so as to cover as much of his non-human features as possible. [b]Personality:[/b] Curious and - occasionally - childlike. Momo almost always has some kind of smile or grin plastered on his face. He likes jokes and laughter, often being the first to let out a jovial laugh when something funny or amusing happens. It's never mean-spirited, though, as he is intelligent enough to know the difference between laughing [i]with[/i] someone and laughing [i]at[/i] them. He likes having friends, but that proves difficult more often than not. People tend to be weirded out by his appearance and - more than once - have proven to sometimes find his smiles and grins to be more frightening than friendly or welcoming. This does often leave the creature feeling lonely, and this has resulted him losing his temper once or twice despite his best efforts to avoid such. [b]Power Level:[/b] 800 [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Majin Body[/i] ~ Momo's gum-like body can become rather elastic at will. His arms and legs can stretch to great lengths in an almost cartoonish fashion. He's even been known to morph into a ball that can bounce around as fast as he can naturally move in a fight. This results in an extremely unorthodox fighting style that makes it very difficult to predict his techniques and movement, if not completely impossible. [i]Regeneration[/i] ~ Momo's gum-like body can take a rather impressive amount of damage and punishment. In fact, even after taking nasty hits that leave him missing chunks of his skin or entire limbs, his body almost immediately begins a slow regeneration process. It's somewhat slow on it's own, but Momo has shown to be able to consume Ki to speed it up by several times. He's also more vulnerable to follow-up attacks while in pieces, unable to properly move or defend himself until the regeneration process is complete. So he can theoretically recover from virtually any attack, but doing so in the midst of battle is often ill-advised unless he has allies watching his back while he heals. [i]Mimicry[/i] ~ He is remarkably intelligent for such a seemingly immature personality. He's a quick study, able to grasp the basic mechanics and functions of most techniques after seeing them performed a few times. His versions tend to not be as strong or perfected as the originals, namely due to lack of experience and practice with them. [b]Transformations:[/b] None for now. [b]Techniques:[/b] [i]Elastic Bomber[/i] ~ Momo curls his body into a ball that hurls itself around, crashing into his opponent full force and then bouncing around to repeat the hit several more times. [i]Elastic Strike[/i] ~ Momo strikes the ground with his foot or fist, the body part forcing its way through the ground and then almost instantly hitting a distant opponent with a surprise attack from behind or below. [i]Chaos Snake[/i] ~ A piercing beam fired from the index and middle fingers. It has a tendency to snake around in the air on a seemingly random trajectory before finally homing in on the intended target. [i]Majin Kamehameha[/i] ~ A copycat Kamehameha technique, where the Ki is bright pinkish red color instead of its more iconic blue and white. Momo began using and practicing this after witnessing an old martial arts master use it to win the final bout of the World Martial Arts Tournament. [b]History:[/b] Momo's history is largely unknown, even to him. He knows he's been "around" for the past 20 years or so, but anything before that is a total blank. Mostly he just assumes that was when he was born and leaves it at that. As for where a creature like him could have come from, again, no one - not even Momo himself - really knows. Even Momo's name is a bit of an oddity. For the longest time he didn't even have a name at all, but other people started calling him Momomaru in reference to him having a pink body. That was eventually shortened to Momaru, and then again to Momo when that was the most he himself could say whenever he tried to say his own name. He can say his full name now, but usually prefers Momaru or Momo as nicknames. Momo isn't even sure where he learned to fight. As far as he knows, he's just always been a strong fighter. In fact, there was a point where he assumed that was true of everyone, though he has since learned that is not the case. Though truthfully, his fighting is generally seen as unrefined and instinctive more than anything else, as Momo himself has never found the need to really train seriously, at least not yet. [b]Other:[/b] [/hider] [@Weird Tales]