[hider] [h1][color=green]Somler[/color][/h1] [img]https://orig00.deviantart.net/463a/f/2009/244/3/5/forest_god_by_randis.jpg[/img] [b]Domain:[/b] the Unknown Somler is the god of all things not known. He is the chaos of mystery, the fear of enigma, the potential of an empty canvas. He embodies the mortal lack of understanding regarding the world. He draws power from the unformed places, from unknown rules, from the mystery of the world. The unanswered questions. In this way, he is the absolute enemy of knowledge and understanding. [b]Realm:[/b] The lost lands Vast swathes of forest, shadowy underground realms and even twisted urban centers. The Lost Lands are everywhere and nowhere. Space has little meaning in this place, which is always covered in mist and shimmering halflight. Those who are lost, those who wander without purpose, or those who seek to explore the hidden corners of their world. All of these have a chance of finding the many secret paths into the Lost Lands, which lie like a maze between the realms of other gods. In all the places nobody's looked yet. [b]Biography:[/b] A force for neither good nor evil, Somler was born from the confusion of the first gods. Their great power, and their failure to comprehend the nature of their own existence. From the first mystery did he crawl forth, hiding in the shadows of the brilliance of his brethren. Somler eternally questions the nature and purpose of his existence, and perhaps he is doomed to ignorance. He fears mankind and his brethren, knowing that piece by piece they slay him with their growing knowledge. And yet he is also strangely envious of them. Somler is a confused god, seeking to find his place in the world. [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Misc:[/b] "Put that on my Tabula" [/hider]