[center][h3]Septims for Thoughts[/h3][/center] [hr] A Collab by [@Rtron] and [@Greenie] [i]Nanine and Meg, 10:30am, 30th of Second Seed, 4E208[/i] Meg hadn't really expected anyone else to come out on the balcony- even in her state she could see Gilane was a beautiful place with much to discover- so she had a look of surprise when she saw someone else had decided to join her. "I'mma take all the septims I can get," she replied jokingly, a small chuckle escaping her as well. She moved a little to the side so that she was no longer standing right in the middle of the balcony, turning away from the railing so that she could see the other woman. They hadn't talked much, and to be fair Meg hadn't said much to anyone in the last six days. That being said, after the affairs at Skingrad, she did see Nanine as a nice and capable woman. "How're you findin' all this?" she asked, a small hint of curiosity in her voice. [color=skyblue]”The fact that the dwemer have conquered all of Hammerfell before they even got to Imperial City and they’re not just an invasion force but apparently refugees?”[/color] Nanine asked, looking over at Meg. [color=skyblue]”It’s intimidating as oblivion, and makes things damnably grey. It was much easier to hate them when they were just bastards in dwemer armor that didn’t look old, wasn’t it?”[/color] She glanced over the city, taking in the sights. It was proof that the dwemer weren’t just monsters. That they could show restraint. But life under an iron fist wasn’t a life most people wanted to live. [color=skyblue]”And now we’re being asked to help in the resistance against them. I’m going to say yes, personally. The dwemer had an option to not attack Tamriel and butcher parts of it. They decided to do it anyway. Whether it was out of arrogance or desperation doesn’t matter. They forced it to be us versus them or us under them.”[/color] She looked back at Meg smiling lightly. [color=skyblue]”To put it simply, I find the whole situation to be fucked to oblivion, but I’m going to join the resistance anyway.”[/color] Meg was silent for a moment, looking at the drink in her goblet, watching the liquid swirl gently due to the unintentional shaking of her hand. Were the others as sure of their decision as Nanine? She hadn’t spoken to Brynja or Judena yet since they’d arrived here; she trusted their judgement over the others in the group, but they weren’t here right now. “I… I dunno,” she finally muttered. “T’was terrible what happened in Imperial City. I was there that day… I can still see them bodies in the streets, all bleedin’ an’ butchered… but…” Her voice trailed, thinking of their last day in Anvil. “T’be honest, I don’ feel like there’s a real choice in what’s gotta be done. I’m pretty sure the rest’re gonna be joinin’ as well, an’ there ain’t no other place for me to go.” She paused and took a couple of sips of her drink before continuing. “I just… I dunno if resistin’ even gonna help. All I see are more people dyin’, people I care about. Like Rhea.” Her hand clenched around the goblet rather tightly. “She shouldn’ve died.” Her shoulder slumped and her grip relaxed. “I know… it’s stupid t’think people ain’ gonna die. Still…” She shook her head, her despair from earlier returning. [color=skyblue]”No, it's not stupid. It’s hopeful. It’s what’s needed. No one wants anyone to die. If we all had our way, we’d sit the dwemer down, talk peace, and they’d go back to their ruins and do some trade. We don’t have that choice unfortunately. And you’re right, resistance will cause more death. But there will be even more if we do nothing and let them continue to rule with an iron fist.”[/color] Nanine stopped for a moment, seeing Meg seem to slip back into whatever brought her out onto the balcony in the first place. The girl seemed more troubled than before. [color=skyblue]”Imperial City was your first experience in a war, wasn’t it?”[/color] Silence followed for a small moment before Meg let out a weak chuckle. “Guessin’ it’s pretty obvious, eh?” She let out a breath before downing her drink. “Aye, that’d be right. Not that I haven’ seen people die b’fore, or even killed b’fore- did plenty of that with draugrs an’ bandits back in Skyrim. Still, it’s different ain’ it? I mean… especially now. T’was easier when I thought they were just… monsters, like draugrs an’ falmers. But…” Her voice trailed and she shook her head. “They’re men, women, kids. Just like me. I dunno…” She looked over at Nanina, searching the Breton’s face for answers. “Are you sure? About what you wanna do?” Nanine looked out over the city of Gilane, pondering. She knew it was the right choice to make. But it was also the bloody choice. People were going to die, and not all of them were going to deserve it. But was there any other choice to make? She looked back to Meg, seeing the need for answers and perhaps reassurance there. [color=skyblue]”No.”[/color] Nanine admitted, lightning sparking gently between her fingers as she held them at her side. [color=skyblue]”I’m scared that it's the wrong choice for the right reasons, and that in the end it’ll only do more harm than good. I’m worried that there’s another option we’re missing, that would find a way to make enough room for everyone and make everyone happy. And I’m not certain that the price we may have to pay for this will be worth whatever victory we may win.”[/color] She sighed, turning to grip the balcony. Lighting still danced along her hands, the presence of magic comforting her. [color=skyblue]”But it's the only choice I see in front of me. I doubt the dwemer will just listen and agree if we send delegations demanding the return of Redguard and Imperial sovereignty and that they settle in their ruins or establish other settlements. And it’s not right, what they did. You can’t return to areas that were left abandoned for centuries or more, subjugate or slaughter the populace that had risen in your absence, and then try to make people accept the new world order like it happened naturally. The choice I’ve made is the right choice, of that I’m sure. I’m just not certain it's the [i]best[/i] choice.[/color] [color=skyblue]”You’re right to be worried Meg. This course is going to put us head to head with the Dwemer, and we’ve seen what they’re capable of. That being said, if we participate in this, we can change things for the better. I’m not fighting because I hate the dwemer, I’m sure they feel they have no choice either. You don’t bring your civilians to a recently invaded and conquered territory without good reason, after all. I’m fighting so that we can have real peace talks that are on even footing, and not the conquerors telling the conquered how it will be. Some people in this resistance are bitter and angry. They’ll want complete annihilation and defeat of the dwemer. I think that will create a cycle of violence that won’t end until true genocide has been achieved on one side or the other. So I’m going to be involved to hopefully help cooler heads prevail, and make peace that everyone deserves. I can’t tell you what path to to choose Meg. I can only tell you to ask yourself why you’d be fighting, and what you’d fighting for, and let that help guide you.”[/color] Meg set the empty goblet on the balcony floor before leaning against the railing, resting her arms over it as she looked down. Why was she fighting? So far it had always been for survival against the dangers of Skyrim, and then the dangers underground. Always for herself, now that she thought about it. “Good question... “ She already knew the answer though, didn’t she? It was the same reason she had gone from Imperial City to Skingrad, and then Anvil and now Gilane. This group was her family now, and she didn’t want them to have to spend the rest of their lives on the run. Everyone had things they wanted to do rather than they needed, and that required peace and stability. It would be harder to fight now that she could see that the Dwemer weren’t just monsters, but… if she wanted her family to be happy, she had no choice. She could no longer just think about herself. “I’m gonna need more ‘an just a septim,” she said ruefully, looking over at Nanine, giving the Breton a smile. Nanine chuckled, then held up her hands helplessly. Megana at least seemed to be more sure of herself, if not feeling 100% better. [color=skyblue]”Unfortunately, the events of the last few months have left me pretty poor. I can only offer you a septim. Or drawings, if you prefer. Either way, you’re not gonna get the money you deserve for the thoughts. ”[/color] She looked out at the city once more, wondering how she had ended up in such a situation. Planning to join a secret rebellion against the dwemer, who had returned after thousands of years and promptly conquered all of Hammerfell and parts of Cyrodiil. A few months ago she had just been casually looking for work in Imperial City. [color=skyblue]”Funny where life’s twist and turns take us, isn't it?”[/color] “Aye,” Meg agreed, a little rueful, though for the moment her darker thoughts were quelled. She looked to Nanine curiously. “Where’d ya think life was gonna take you?” The Breton had a way with words that had calmed her, and Meg only felt it fair to learn more about her companion. [color=skyblue]”Well, first time it was that I was going become a Legion lifer and eventually fight against the Dominion in the next Great War. Then Wayrest burned down and I lost my family that survived it and my motivation to become a lifer with it, so the Legion was only a temporary healing process. When I was in Imperial City I’d figured I’d be an adventurer for hire for a few years, hit it big on some ruin or the other, and retire to occasionally teach magic and draw in my free time. Now I’m here, figuring that after this is all over I’ll rejoin the Legion to help rebuild what's left. Ten septims say that I’ll end up somewhere else instead.”[/color] Nanine shrugged, smiling over at Meg. [color=skyblue]”Maybe I should just follow in Rhona’s shoes, and just plan for wherever the wind takes me. Where’d you think life was gonna take you?”[/color] “Me?” Meg blinked at the question before smiling. “Pa always said I was like m’Ma. Wanderin’ an’ findin’ adventure was what she did, though she was more a hunter. Me? A [I]treasure[/I] hunter. Usin’ the same skills but for two differen’ things.” She let out a breath as she sat back on the cushions, feeling more relaxed than she had before. “An’ now, looks like I'm a rebel. But if I'm bein’ honest…” She looked a little embarrassed. “I always thought I'd end up like Ma in other regards too. Findin’ a nice person to wed, an head out on adventures together.” She rubbed her nose, chuckling softly. “Aye, silly thoughts. Seemed simple enough when I'd dream 'bout it ” She sat up straight thereafter, deciding she had enough with thinking about past hopes and dreams, at least for the time being. “Seems I finally got me an appetite,” she remarked. “How ‘bout a bite to eat?” [color=skyblue]”I don’t think they’re silly at all. Dreams like that keep the world running.”[/color] Nanine replied with a smile. Her smile widened at the offer to go get something to eat. It had been on the back of her mind, admittedly, since they had first made it to the inn. [color=skyblue]”Oh good, I thought that was just me beginning to get hungry. This place looks like it has wonderful food, at least compared to ship dinners and on the road dinners, and I am all for trying it.”[/color] Nanine gestured. [color=skyblue]”After you.”[/color]