Meesei was not privy to the conversation that had been going on before her arrival, but the outburst she had heard from Rhazii upon entering gave her enough context to guess at the topic. Regardless, she agreed with Fendros' assessment. Whatever problems may or may not come in the future, they would only be able to deal with them in person. As such, she created her portal as soon as she was able. As usual, Meesei brought them into the forest some distance outside of the city, and it was a few minutes worth of a walk before the walls came into view. Although, the moment they saw Cheydinhal, Lorag was the one to stop her, pointing his finger up to the mountain overlooking the other side of the city. "So...she's up there, right?" Meesei nodded. "Yes. From the reports, about halfway up the mountain, along a small path that splits of from the main road." Lorag let out a long breath, still staring intensely towards the mountain. "Hmph, well, best get this over with." "Are you sure you do not want some company for this?" Meesei asked. Lorag stopped after a few steps, though did not even turn around before shaking his head. "I can deal with this on my own." It seemed that Lorag had meant his words when he said he would not stay in their hair for long, as it seemed he did not even intend to go into the city with them. Meesei did respect his self-reliance, though she did hope he would not do anything drastic. Regardless, she did not think that she should serve as any more than an observer in these situations. "Would you like for me to wait in the inn?" Meesei asked Ahnasha and Fendros. [hr] There was little that seemed to be changing about Kaleeth's uncertainty. Indeed, she appeared even more confused than when Janius had first arrived. She could not deny that Janius made reasonable points, but her doubts had been gnawing at her for weeks at this point. "I just don't know. I mean...maybe you [i]are[/i] right? Maybe they won't be angry, and will just be glad to see me. That could always happen, but I just don't know. They [i]could[/i] also be really angry, and I don't know if I can handle that either. I'm just so terrified of seeing them again, I can hardly stand it. Part of me wants to just run away, and part of me just wants to get it over with." There was another pause, and another obvious look of worry on Kaleeth's expression, followed by another question out of nowhere that would likely take even Janius off-guard. "Do you think you really loved me back then?" She asked, lowering her head almost as if ashamed. "I mean, I thought I did, but looking back with all I know now...I don't know if I understood love when I was so young. I was only in my nineteenth year back then; I was barely more than a hatchling. I know [i]now[/i] that I love you, that I fell in love with you over time. But, I had only known you a few days back then. I can't help but think that I just made a stupid, childish mistake back then that I got lucky enough to end up being the right choice. I don't know how I can defend that to my parents."