[hider= Sveiand] [center] [b]Name:[/b] Sveiand The Cold One, The Pure, Renvontulet [b]Domain:[/b] God of Cold [b]Appearance:[/b] He has many forms for many an occasion - as any respectable deity should in his opinion. These will change as his portfolio expands and the RP progresses. Appearance before other deities and humanoids for civilized purposes: [hider=The Pure][img] https://pre03.deviantart.net/40b9/th/pre/f/2012/258/8/d/ice_mage_by_peggy77-d5etrx2.jpg[/img][/hider] When communicating with believers to show approval or convey a message: [hider= Renvontulet][img] https://img1.cgtrader.com/items/761345/9610ef1ed9/large/mountain-aurora-borealis-3d-model-blend.jpg [/img][/hider] When needs must: [hider=The Cold One][img] https://orig00.deviantart.net/2507/f/2013/190/b/4/tribal_polar_bear_by_thomaswievegg-d6cnjym.jpg [/img][/hider] [b]Realm:[/b] Niflheim (Home of Mist) [hider=Niflheim] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/the-world-of-nyrondie/images/4/4c/The_Wastes_of_Snow.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/514?cb=20151205211726[/img] [/hider] Niflheim has not yet been visited by mortals due to its remote location in formidable surroundings. Not only is it located in the inaccessible Crown of the World, it is at sea. A vast island completely coated in the world's largest ice cap. Calving monstrous ice bergs and sculpted by biting winds, Sveiand’s realm is as beautiful as it is deadly. Ferocious blizzards and blankets of snow in ever changing drifts make navigation impossible. This protects the solitude and purity of the very concept of cold himself, in a sprawling villa complex of ice, Lumitalo, the jewel being Gestrisni Höll. [hider=Lumitalo] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/1/17/Film_-_Northern_Water_Tribe.png/revision/latest?cb=20121121100430[/img] [/hider] [hider=Gestrisni Höll] [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/avatar/images/3/35/Southern_Water_Tribe_Royal_Palace.png/revision/latest?cb=20150129102421[/img] Interior [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/93/19/8f/93198f10e2eace829107c8ce85975182.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Biography:[/b] A fractal form crystalled around a Divine Cord in the north of the world to create one of the first, the gold of cold. Yet he is a god who seeks to find his own happiness. He knows this may be a challenge given possible pre-conceptions of his domain but he is determined to make a name for himself whether this be for better or worse. He may come across as harsh and cold (pun intended) but he is just brutally honest and will say it how it is. He's more than happy to work with other deities but will always be looking out for number one. Cold and closed he is seen by many as a harbinger of death, yet he yearns for companionship that few can provide in his realm of ice and snow and therefore lures many a male companion in the long winter months with the promise of shelter from the very situation he has caused. The designer of snowflakes, Svei dislikes disorder and chaos, preferring order and calm in the home that he can one day provide joy where he currently causes suffering. Given his treatment he is quite vengeful and shallow his attitude can turn quickly like a winter storm. But could he actually be the father of a great people thriving in cold climes? Worshipped for cleansing disease and pests? Revered for In time the Herald of Spring? Scorcher of soils? Reaper of the Harvest? Only history yet to be written can tell... [b]Notes:[/b] [b]Misc[/b] "Put that on my Tabula" [/center] [/hider] [hider= Relationships] [u][b]Those of The World.[/b][/u] [b]Oao - [/b][i]"My shy sister"[/i], he sighs, [i]"My neighbour in the Crown and probably at one time my only true friend. It has been too long."[/i] [b]Ferron - [/b][i]"Someone else who appreciates something with a cool touch. I must ask him for some large bear-suited armour sometime. You know, just in case. But that forge is far too hot."[/i] [b]Ragnagedon - [/b]Glares. [i]"My antithesis, my rival and counter. My balance, my parallel and brother. I'm just glad he's back in the fire pit where he should stay."[/i] [b]Drakairós - [/b][i]"Can you imagine the migraine? Poor Rós. I love him dearly and I'm glad the matrimony of our powers created some beautiful offspring but that hot head... Get rid!"[/i] [b]Hyperion - [/b][i]"Poor Oao. Then again I have no quarrel with his agenda of holy peace and order. His light does not necessarily warm and marries well with the purity of cold."[/i] [b]Nerplaguis - [/b][i]"Honestly? I'm not sure how I feel. Surprisingly, in all our time, we've never actually met. But the humans speak with contrasting tales, my cold both hastening death but also preventing infection."[/i] [b]Van Kurr - [/b][i]"I find us quite similar. We continue to work in harmony on many natural cycles millennia since our last meeting."[/i] [b]Apolios - [/b][i]"Unlike his brother this one brings warmth. I'm only glad I have little to do with him and can just hold him off until winter."[/i] [u][b]Those of Man.[/b][/u] [b]Iva'Krorh - [/b][i]"I help them create that exquisite realm and how am I repaid...?"[/i] His lips purse. [i]"Seemingly endless 'cold' jibes."[/i] Yet his shoulders relax. [i]"Yet I can't help but admire their ingenuity and envy their puppetry of the world through that twisted mind of theirs."[/i] [b]Dirka - [/b][i]"Such power. Yet seemingly at the cost of sanity. Yes she likes the cold but I've given up trying to work her out..."[/i] [b]Sommler - [/b][i]"I often see his long shadow in my unreachable realm."[/i] [b]Iarus - [/b][i]"I admit to turning to his arts for my own pleasure. But trust him, I do not. Who'd want to live somewhere that humid?"[/i] [b]Azhriel - [/b][i]"My ally in my endless struggle with my hot-headed brother. I repay him with early snow and harsh frosts."[/i] [b]Dao Rugadh - [/b][i]"He is not the only one to remember his dark deeds."[/i] His snow white cheeks colour slightly,[i] "But he is... handsome."[/i] [b]Gammaton - [/b][i]"Whilst his aesthetic isn't exactly to my taste I support his agenda and look forward to his discussing his proposals moving forward."[/i] [u][b]Those Who Came After.[/b][/u] [b]Hayim - [/b][i]"I regret that I must cause him harm as he ensures many northern clans survive. But hope to teach him that my cold is necessary for the balance of all."[/i] [b]Anu'Varr - [/b][i]"She sees my self-deception and I see that she does the same. I find her vengence understandable yet misdirected. I fear we would actually get along yet we struggle to see eye to eye due to her (unwarranted) venomous opinion of myself and her... well... methods."[/i] [b]Naswaru - [/b][i]"Another who appreciated solitude. I am so glad for his most recent gift. Remind me to ask him for a leviathan."[/i] [b]Baina Ez Voioz - [/b][i]"I avoid it. End of."[/i] [b]Ral - [/b][i]"Who?"[/i] [b]Quill - [/b][i]"Who?"[/i] [/hider] [hider=Creations] [hider=Ice Dragons] [img]https://a.wattpad.com/cover/9821180-288-k983208.jpg[/img] Created by the Nilfheim Drakes and Ros, these dragons are the Verzakian Dragons' antitheses. Identical in all but colour and fire-breathing ability, these dragons are under complete control of their parent Drakairos but subservient to their parent drakes and grandfather(?) Sveiand. [/hider] [hider=Nilfheim Drakes] The truest of the ice dragons. Created by Sveiand replacing the essence of Ragnagedon’s Verzakian Dragons. Blue and crystalline in appearance they vary slightly in appearance, dependent on where they choose to patrol. guard the domain of the Winter God. Varying in physical by forcefully mutating a human. Like their original forms, they are clawed with a mouth brimming with lines of razor-sharp teeth within. Apart from their flight and immense physical strength their most powerful ability is that to bring the winter. They have the ability to breathe the very essence of winter, as cold, wind or ice. Their relationship to the ice dragons bonded to Drakairos is comparable to that between the Arch-dragons of Verzak and their Verzakian cousins. They are vastly more intelligent, can communicate telepathically with one another and even talk. They cannot reproduce but, unless killed, will live as long as Sveiand maintains them with his essence. The four drakes are: [hider=Gheimhridh (née Ystra) - Winter's Bite (matriarch and first turned)] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/409/132/large/eduardo-vargas-icedragon.jpg?1524252551[/img] [/hider] [hider=Riemsno - Driftmaw] [img]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/7uLyWL8.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Hoarskare - Frostbane] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/919/914/large/galan-pang-1218-ice-dragon-paint-copy3.jpg?1454594995[/img] [/hider] [hider=Jörmunslask - Brinesting] [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6175/0cc7b8cb475d74b645f3b5293fa23b05af63d9df_hq.jpg[/img] [/hider] [/hider] [/hider]