[center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [sub]- Contact-[/sub] [/center] As Penny had figured her travel had been uninterrupted and before too long she found herself atop a building across the street from The Golden Trove. She took a moment to examine the hotel in case there happened to be anything of interest about it before looking around the roof top she was on seeking the right spot to start the next part of her search. Most people have little idea of how most building are wired, for unless they worked in IT there was no real need to know. Penny did know, both because of a life time ago she had earned a college degree in the field and because her sensitivity to Metal and Electricity made it impossible to miss if she went looking for it. Thus after a moment of looking Penny found the nearest bundle of cords tucked away in the walls of the building she was on. Positioning as close to the cords as she could while staying on the rooftop the Cyborg begin using a skill that she hadn’t really told anyone about, and hacked in to the network of the building she was standing on. From there she jumped over to the network of The Golden Trove. [color=9e0039][i]‘Still find it weird to do it this way’[/i][/color] she though as she worked her way through the security systems that stood in her way with nothing more than her unique physiology, her weak magic and her old know how. [color=9e0039][i]‘Guess that’s just the perk of being made of the future’[/i][/color] it took her barely three minutes to slip in to the systems of the hotel and start searching for Mika. By a quirk of chance, Mika ended up find Penny first. Turning to face the Beast spec’d girl it would be plain as day that Penny’s left eye was ‘off’ as it wasn’t glowing and was a flat dull gray. The reason was that was because she was feeding all the incoming data to her left eye for processing thus it was currently hooked up to the cameras in the Golden Trove. Still Penny was notably confused at Mika’s introduction. [color=9e0039][u][b]“Hey Mika I’m Penny”[/b][/u][/color] was the given reply before Penny shook off her confusion [color=9e0039][u][b]“And no idea who the Terrible one is, so I’m going to go with no to the first question and I assume the first and second questions are connected so I’m going to assume no for the second question. I mean Laat is an asshole but he’s not one who goes about causing genocide if he can avoid it”[/b][/u][/color] She continued as a knot formed in her gut. While Penny was speaking truthfully, Laat was infuriatingly tight lipped about the things he has done or the things she would have to look out for. So it was possible that Laat had caused a genocide and Penny was about to find out there was a grudge about that the hard way. Hoping that it was just a case of wrong place wrong time Penny moved forward with trying to find Thalia. [color=9e0039][u][b]“I was actually wondering if I could ask you something Mika. I’ve trying to find someone and I was told you might have had a run in with them. They are a Foxgirl with Beast and Fire magic, does that sound familiar?” [/b][/u][/color]