[@HaleyTheRandom] He probably doesn't even remember me anymore. He was only 10 months old when I left. Even if I did see him again I would be a stranger. That's what hurts me the most. I just don't want him to get messed up. His mother is kinda crazy and fights with her current boyfriend a lot. I fear it will get to the point where she gets evicted because of all the trouble she causes and the kid will get thrown into foster care because she would be unable to properly care for him. What would that do to him? His father doesn't want him and is mother is completely out of her mind. I often worry what will become of him. None of this should even be my problem. I shouldn't have to worry about any of this, and yet I do. I can't help it. After 10 months you get kind of attached. At least I was Daddy for a little while.