[@Nallore][@BlueSky44][@FantasyChic][@mnkee][@LadyRunic][@Dragoknighte][@KazAlkemi] Alright folks, since the death of Queen Meliscente has been solved IC, we are now in arc one wrap up! In order to do this efficiently, please complete the items on the check-list below: [list] [*][i][color=ed145b][b]In Character[/b][/color][/i]: Wrap up any interactions/scenes you are in. [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Skills[/b][/color][/i]: All characters who were active for a decent portion of this arc have received 1-2 skills: two for those who were essentially here from start to end, one for those who joined at the start of our current day, and none for those who joined at the tail end. [u][i][b]Please edit these skills into your CS within the next 48 hours or they will be considered lost. [/b][/i][/u] [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Ages[/b][/color][/i]: Some of your characters will have had birthdays. We are jumping from December 21st/22nd, 12507 to May 4th, 12508. If you've had a birthday in that time range, please adjust your character's age accordingly. [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Personality/Appearance/Other[/b][/color][/i]: If you want to edit any portion of your character's sheet, please tag me to let me know so I can approve it - this is a good time to update these! [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Relations[/b][/color][/i]: Grab the relation sheet code in the OOC and update it! You MUST do relations for every character you have met. Either get together to discuss these or just go with your gut and put down what makes sense. [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Between Arc Collabs[/b][/color][/i]: I am estimating we will have 1-2 updates of wrap up, so you have about 2 weeks before arc 2 goes into full swing. So I suggest starting these now if you wish to do them. [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Between Arc Notes[/b][/color][/i]: Don't forget to look over the note sheets I sent you all! [*][i][color=ed145b][b]Sickenesse[/b][/color][/i]: I will be PMing those afflicted next arc and telling them when they fell ill, that way between arc collabs can be accurate if the time overlaps. [/list] [hider=Skills - Noted in brackets where to place them!]Arya - (General/General)[list] [*]Myths of the Land of Long Nights - The knowledge of prominent myths and stories shared amongst those from the Land of Long Nights, such as the Myth of Four. This is similar to the Norse Myths skill, except for it does not include knowledge of the obscure myths. [*][b]Physik[/b] - The ability to manipulate the elements and natural ingredients in order to heal. This includes knowledge of the most common herbs used in [b]Physik[/b], but is a poor substitute for a plant identification skill. [/list] Valda - (Occupational/Occupational)[list] [*]Herbology - The ability to use plants and fungi in order to produce a desired [b]Magykal [/b]effect. This is typically used in tandem with [b]Physik[/b] and the creation of potions. [*]Administration - The ability to delegate tasks to others in order to ensure that everything runs smoothly.[/list] Cuyler - (General/General)[list] [*][b]Sense Magyk[/b] - The ability to detect [b]Magykal[/b] auras and [b]See [/b]enchantments. This is a passive skill. [*]Castle History - The knowledge of the rich history of the Castle, including notable ExtraOrdinary Wizards and Queens. [/list] Rhys - (General/General) [list] [*]Psychological Deception- The ability to get inside a subjects head and convince them of things they would not normally believe. [*]Bluff - The ability to erroneously persuade another person that you can perform a given task or that a given event will happen. [/list] Fleur - (Occupational/Occupational)[list] [*]Time Stone Usage (Advanced) - the user is able to physically control and redirect the flow of time, and can specifically select the exact area which to manipulate, without affecting those outside its selected range. This has a 75% chance of working on any given event (working is defined as some effect happening. It may or may not be to the strength the user desired). The stone can be used up to three times per arc; every day the user spends in the presence of the stone, they will need to complete a saving throw to avoid being corrupted by its power. [*]Reanimation - The ability to animate corpses and dead beings, making them able to move and react. They are usually under the user's control, but because the corpses are likely mindless, they have to be carefully monitored. [/list] Luna - (General/General)[list] [*]Performance (Singing) - Ability to perform using their voice, can be used to make money, or to just entertain others. [*]Sword Fighting - Proficiency with a blade longer than 14 inches in combat, including the general rules of etiquette for dueling. [/list] Atkin - (Occupational/General)[list] [*][b]Sense Magyk[/b] - The ability to detect [b]Magykal[/b] auras and [b]See [/b]enchantments. This is a passive skill. [*]Court Etiquette - The knowledge of how to act with regards to the Castle's Royal Family and other visiting nobles. This includes awareness of proper manners of address and customs. [/list] Myrus - (General/General)[list] [*]Kinetic Energy Charging - The ability to take the potential energy stored in an object and convert it to kinetic energy thus “charging” that item with explosive or disruptive results. [*]Hide - The ability to be able to find a hiding place just about anywhere and remain there undetected for extended periods of time. [/list] Lyra - (Occupational/Occupational)[list] [*]Rooftop running/climbing - Parkour! The user has proficiency in scaling vertical objects, as well as keeping footing on elevated and uneven terrain. [*]Foreign Customs - the ability to adapt to the mannerisms of cultures and customs of other lands without causing offense. [/list] Amarantha - (Occupational/Occupational)[list] [*]Leadership - The ability to guide a group of individuals, teams, or organizations. [*]Cartography - The study and practice of making maps. Users are proficient in communicating spatial information, as well as knowledgeable of minor restorative techniques for damaged maps. [/list] Sylvi - (Cultural)[list] [*]New Nordic - The user has complete fluency, able to read, write, and communicate in the language of the Land of Long Nights. This skill can be used as a makeshift oral storytelling skill, as most of the traditions of the Land of Long Nights are told through stories. [/list] Myth - (Occupational)[list] [*]Music Manipulation - The ability to manipulate and generate music, an art form whose medium is sound and silence. This skill comes as a byproduct of Myth's pregnancy. [/list] Bruce - (General)[list] [*]Parenting - The ability to support the physical, emotional, social, and intellectual development of a child without wanting to rip your hair out.[/list] Skaoi and Antonije will not receive additional skills, since they were characters for less than 3 weeks.[/hider]