[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180910/3caaefc6c5537f6851395aba6a809f4f.png[/img][/center][hr][right][color=gray][b]Al'Kashir[/b] Troop Dropship -> Landfall[/color][hr][/right][indent][color=yellow][b]"Heads-up, everyone. This is it! We're landing in five!"[/b][/color] The voice of the dropship's pilot brought Braealyn back to reality, waking her from the nightmare that was her worries. They still had a war to win, and like the others, Braealyn needed to be alert of her surroundings. Despite the fact that Braealyn had been worried over her companions dying, she was no different than the rest of those within her fire team squad. Just as one lucky shot from their alien foes could claim the life of another, it could just as easily take her own life. [color=lightblue][b]"Alright, ya bunch'a greenhorns,"[/b][/color] Their commanding officer spoke, jostled by the evasive maneuvers of the dropship. It wasn't a soft landing by any means, but actually [i]landing[/i] was more preferable than being blown to smithereens. [color=lightblue][b]"This ain't some willy nilly walk on the beach! Momma ain't raise no sissy playin' around dipping his toes in tha' water! We are goin' in hawt and heavy, ladies!"[/b][/color] He continued, his words followed by a chorus of military hooting. The accent of their commanding officer was hard to distinguish, and if it wasn't for his burly, intimidating presence, Braealyn would have struggled to silence her laughter. Still, outside his brutish apperance, Braealyn was glad to have him as their commanding officer. The man seemed capable, and Braealyn wouldn't be surprised if he was a veteran with a lengthy career behind his back. War shaped men and women alike in mysterious ways, and it had clearly molded him into a powerful fighting machine. Meanwhile. the dropship flew in close, taking to a nearby clearing large enough for it to hover momentarily over the ground, with another fire team preparing to land nearby. Normally, such aircraft would have some sort of vehicle attached to the lower compartments, but due to the swampy nature of the planet, equipping the dropships with them was deemed a waste of military resources. Unlatching the restraints that kept her seated, Braealyn stood from her seat after having double-checked that her rifle wasn't set on safety. In front of Braealyn was a youthful kid, who seemed to be around her age. She hadn't had a chance to learn the marksman's name, but maybe they would have time once their surroundings were secured and they were en route to their objective that was the alien villages some couple miles from their landing point. Leaping from the metal ramp onto the xeno ground, Braealyn took a crouched position and pointed her rifle in the direction of the nearby trees. They were now in hostile territory, therefore an ambush could come at any moment and from anywhere. Braealyn may have been a relatively fresh recruit, but she wasn't stupid enough to ignore her surroundings. [color=24EB00][i]Something doesn't feel right...[/i][/color] As Braealyn kept her sights on the nearby trees, she felt unnerved by the eerie quietness that accompanied the swamp. The tune of flak and explosives had already been drilled into her head now, but here? There was no sound from the alien fauna that inhabited the swamp, only the hum of the dropships and soldiers ready for battle. [color=lightblue][b]"It's time ta rise n' shine, girlies!"[/b][/color] The commanding officer announced, his boots clunking against the mushy ground beneath him. [color=lightblue][b]"Berand, Zapal! Get'cha slow asses up 'ere n' take po—"[/b][/color] Their commanding officer hadn't been able to finish his sentence before a bright beam shot through the brush, melting flesh and skull alike. Braealyn had been horrified, with the first causality being not only mere minutes after they landed, but also their commanding officer. Were their foes specifically waiting for him to show his face?! Whatever their plan was, Braealyn, or anyone else for that matter, had time to think it over. Terrifying screeches echoed throughout the swamp, apparently the war cries of the lizard men as they charged from within the brush. [color=red][b]"Kraaaaaaaaassshhhh'nnnnniiiikkkaaaaar!"[/b][/color] The sound of gunfire erupted from where the fire teams stood, desperately trying to fend off the alien assault. As for Braealyn, she had her own problems to deal with. One of the lizard men took notice of her, and charged in a full sprint towards the medic. Bringing her rifle upwards, Braealyn fired a series of bursts in the direction of the alien, though the creature seemed to shrug off any wounds he would receive and continued to run, eager to chop his foe in half with the axe-rifle he carried. Fearing for her life, Braealyn braced her rifle in front of her body, hoping that she could parry whatever mighty swing would come her way, though she knew that it was unlikely. [color=24EB00][i]Please... someone! I don't want to die![/i][/color][/indent]