[center][b][h1][color=fff200]Siobhan[/color][/h1][/b][/center] [h2][center]Location: Saturday Hephaestus Manor[/center][/h2][hr][center][h3] Interaction: Paige [@Pilatus] & Milo [@RoccanIronclad][/h3][/center][hr][center][h3] Mentions: Joel, NPCs, Maria, Ethan; Marinalia & Victoria[/h3][/center][hr]Siobhan was mingling when she heard Joel’s name. Curiosity peaked she listened closer. Her eyes narrowed at the information that she overheard.[color=deeppink] “Yes the blonde over there. Marinalia Olympus was apparently dating that cute racecar driver. Joel Nikolosi. Now he’s dating Siobhan Murphy.”[/color] [color=magenta]“You mean Mrs. Murphy’s daughter? The vivacious talented artist we just met?”[/color] [color=deeppink]“Yes!! I think Ethan from The Sirens is dating her sister. He took her drink away from her and I heard him say something about her not drinking because she might be pregnant!!”[/color] [color=magenta] “Oh my!!! Ethan Aster having a baby?!?...”[/color] The gossiping old hens started to walk off without realizing how loud they had been even more people would be talking about it Siobhan turned around and flashed a brilliant smile.[color=fff200] “Oh hello if it isn’t Mrs. Johnson and Mrs. Lee from mother’s bridge club. You ladies always make me smile. But I believe you’ve been misinformed Marinalia was never dating Joel. Let me set the record straight for you...”[/color] Siobhan smiled and chatted with them, just as loud as they were, for a few minutes getting the info she wanted then she let them go on their way. Siobhan turned back to Paige and Milo then leaned over to Paige and whispered still smiling.[color=fff200] “Don’t look, don’t raise your voice and for god’s sake keep smiling like we are enjoying ourselves. You just heard that Victoria might be pregnant. Ethan just admitted to a bunch of press that they were intimate without protection and she shouldn’t be drinking till they actually knew. I don’t know if Milo has heard it yet but it’s going around. Not to mention apparently Marlin dated my man and tossed him over for her current girlfriend. None of that is true except the girlfriend part. I squashed the rest of that. She didn’t date him and he’s not going to like finding out.”[/color] Lexi comes and tries to pull Siobhan away to mingle and she shakes her head.[color=fff200] “If someone wants to meet me they can meet Paige and Milo while they’re at it. They can come to me unless they are super old then Paige and Milo are coming with me.”[/color] Siobhan shook so many hands and smiled at people that she thought that she’d never get a break.[color=fff200] “That’s it Lexi I need a break. Milo? Paige? Wanna go outside for a bit? You can smoke out there Milo. I need some space from the closeness. Plus I need to text Joel. Come on.”[/color] Siobhan walked out into the warm but not overly hot tents. Then she pulled out her phone and texted Joel. [color=fff200][b][indent]FYI Just to let you know it has been speculated that you were dating Marlin and got dumped by her in favor of her new girlfriend. I squashed that with a quickness. I’ve heard like three different stories as to who said it first...give you three guesses as to who I think said it. First two don’t count.”[/indent][/b][/color] He sad sent her some videos of his racing. She smiled and noticed that it seemed really lose himself in his work. She could see that the wheel was a little lose and he was should know this but she was going to let him know tonight when she saw him. They made her smile to think he missed her enough to video his course.