[hr][hr][h1][b][i][center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/170828/de4fb32b6dba717be14cb6eeb8aeaf1c.png[/img][/center][/i][/b][/h1][hr][center][h3] [b][i]Date:[/i][/b] Monday May 23rd, 2017 - (Remember Time Zones)[/h3][/center][hr][hr] [b][color=ed1c24]Funeral Home:[/color][/b] Ryan looked over as Riley came back in and stood up. David did as well and motioned towards the chair next to him since the couch was full with Cyril and the kids. "Nothing much, Chloe had pretty instructions on what she wanted, so just making sure they are followed. "Come on Cyril, daddy can we go play?" Lunn asked and Ryan nodded. "Yeah, stay in the front yard, Cyril stay with them," Ryan said before he sat back down. "Did you want a small urn of Chloes ashes? She had in the will that I was too give a small amount to both the kids, figured I ask," Ryan said as Lunn took Cyrils hand and the kids went outside with their uncle. "Hey! Don't..." The door slammed shut. "Slam the door..." Rubbing his face he shook his head. "Alright, we will have the viewing in two days, and then I will take care of the cremation and urns, one large and.. 2.. or 3 small urns.." David said, stopping as he looked over to Riley waiting on her answer if she wanted a mini urn as well. [b][color=ed1c24]The Farm:[/color][/b] Except from the book Mali is currently reading over - [i]The Temple of Kalabsha is named after the village of Kalabsha, which located 65 kilometers south of Aswan dam. The city was known in ancient times for its various temples, and was later called Talames by the Greeks. The temple goes back to Roman times and the reign of the Roman Emperor Augustus. It was dedicated to the Nubian god Mandoulis. After Augustus other emperors also contributed to further construction, including Caligula and Trajan.The Temple of Kalabsha was originally built on a much earlier site that dates back to the 18th dynasty and most probably goes back to king Thothmosis and Amenhotep II. The temple is considered among the most complete temples in all of Nubia. [/i][sub]*Copied from AskAladin[/sub] Mandoulis seemed to be the Nubian form of Horus. As Mali keeps reading she is going to start noticing a lot of similarities between the Egyptian deities and the Roman ones. Especially between Mandoulis/Horus and Apollo. There are a lot of images in the book and on careful examination there seems to be a carved relief that resembles the object that Mali has been carrying around in one of the walls. [b][color=ed1c24]Queensguard:[/color][/b] The screen that Keystone was looking at flickered and went black with only a flashing icon where it looked like someone could type in. Then it started showing text. [i][color=lime]Everything might be connected but not in the way you think. Stop focusing on the cups and start focusing on the sword.[/color][/i] The flashing type icon dropped to the next line. [color=lime]The ides of March are upon you.[/color] It dropped another line. [color=lime]The debt is half settled. Finish it.[/color] Once again it dropped, this time nothing more came up. Over at Caesar, he would find a single sheet of paper inside it. Clippings of letters from what looked like newspaper headlines was glued to it. [center][img]https://image.ibb.co/byfMU9/ransomizer_com_filepz5_T2m.jpg[/img][/center] [b][color=ed1c24]Texas/Mexico Border:[/color][/b] One could nearly hear Roys breath of relief as he heard Cecily's voice. "Yeah, it's me Rogue. Take a breath. The lines secure, as long as you think you are, talk freely, if not, just listen..." there was a slight pause in his voice before he continued. "Near Arkham right now. Sounds like you are too. Had to get out of Gotham. Don't go back, Batman is no where to be found. Can you suit up and meet me at Commissioner Gordons summer home?" It was a lot of code but he hoped she would catch on.