Saeril closed her eyes for a brief moment, and took a breath, having to mentally will the pain to go away in such quick time. She heard Yavanna’s words and, releasing that same breath, the elder slowly opened her eyes, having to look at the ground, as she mentally sorted through a choice of words that she could say. “I’m sensing...”, she began. “...something dark”, she didn’t want to cover up the whole truth, but for their behalf, it would be better if she told at least half of it. She couldn’t tell them of her former alliance, because, well, she might expect fear and tremendous amounts of confusion. Even though they weren’t necessarily hers, she loved them both, as if they were her own children; a daughter and a son. The last thing Saeril wanted, was to see disbelief, if they ever found out what she was subjected to. “Something stirs”.