Caelis was puzzled by the sight on the beach. Clearly some group had camped here before setting off in the distance, and it appears that perhaps... they buried something in the beach. However, the boar spirit had seemingly found it or sensed that something was under the sand. Regardless, it wanted the object to be uncovered. Caelis motioned to the other elves to search the beach and scavenge whatever they could find that was useful. Caelis on the other hand would approach the boar spirit with a small offering. He had some berries that he had foraged before, and would offer some as a small offering. While he wished he could offer more, they were not a wealthy people. Nay, every berry was valuable, but the boar had been a guide for the Attolians. Such actions had to be respected and properly thanked for. After, giving the offering, Caelis would then help the boar uncover what buried under the sand. --- Back at the camp, the Attolians were interacting with the herd as a few friendly beasts even came to them for treats. This process of befriending the herd beasts would continue so that they could come to tame them. Domestication was a process that took generations usually. It involved the rearing of babies in the presence of people so that they would grow up to be used to people and friendly to them. Thus, they had to get access to interact with the babies of the herd. Thus, an effort was taken to befriend the mothers of the herd so that they would not be so wary of the Attolians being so near the babies. That way, the babies would grow used to humans and not be aggressive or hostile to the Attolians. --- Summary: Caelis' companions begin to scavenge for anything useful on the beach while he approaches the boar with a small offering of his own personal supplies and assist the boar in digging up the patch of sand. The Attolians continue to work on befriending the herd... particularly the mothers and the babies of the herd.