[img]http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/9499/24302342.19b/0_9d848_a3b6da8b_orig[/img] Hello! Not going to write a lot here, but am looking for a partner interested in doing some RP set in Westeros (or hell, the Free Cities). I am flexible about a lot regarding era, but ideally the player partner has read the books and soaked in a lot of the lore so that we can work on the same playing field and generate good plot ideas. Usually, I have a plot all laid out and I've got a hook and so forth thought of. In this instance, I am simply seeing who out there shares the interest. I am avoiding group RP's because they turn into Nation RP's. Instead, I am looking to do something more in line with the setting as it stands at various point using original characters, or at least characters whose histories are not heavily fleshed out to give us lots of room to improvise and develop within the framework of the setting. Please PM or hit me up at HeySeuss#6650 on Discord. I am also present on the Guild server.